• [2018/06/22]
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Princess Pride worth it?

Rose Valkyrie

New Member
Jun 11, 2017
Reaction score
After the last price fight I managed to snag a Primed Parasoul, today Parasoul has the relic focus and Princess Pride's regen ability sounds very interesting (also that color variant tho) but I don't know whether or not to dump basically all my gems on a 10+1 pack just for a chance at getting her
(Just figured out not to spend gems right away but rather save them for 10+1 packs)

Should I go for it or is there a better fighter I should go for instead?
Rn my golds are Primed, Epic Sax, Parasite Weave, Armed Forces, Harlequin and No Egrets
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Reactions: Peacockis2cool4u
Got a second Primed GG rng GG bless
Thx for the replies too boyz
After getting 8 Icy Hot from the Valentine relic, 5 of which were in a row one after the other, I would just say don't bother spending 500 extra gems for the slim chance that you might get one exclusive fighter until you have plenty of others and you're basically hoarding gems and have nothing better to do.

Also just checked http://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/official-fighter-relic-loot-rates.213/ and it appears that Premiere is not only cheaper than a Character Relic but also has a higher Gold chance, whether you buy one or ten (eleven?).
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Yeah, that happened to me too.A while back I got a bunch of Icy Hot Valentine's and no sight of any gold or even silver. :) wish I known about the percentages of how likely you'd get a gold fighter. Still, it was a nice experience.
Despite being nerfed, Princess Pride still has the best self healing ability out of all the fighters. I never managed to get her despite buying several Parasoul 10 pack relics, but YMMV. And good luck if you really wanna get her.
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