• [2018/06/22]
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Story Quiz function to reinforce story mode


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2019
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In another game I play, there’s a quiz element that tests the player’s knowledge about the lore of the game. There’s a very small reward for getting the correct answer. The question is generated randomly by the system and players type the answers in chat.

I think something like random quiz questions might be a good way to keep players logged on. The main advantage I see is that it will motivate players to pay attention to story mode dialogues and perhaps even play the story mode again. I know that one of the main challenges for developing more origin content is that players clear it once within an hour then never play it again. Well, if there’s a new set of small rewards that resets every month or so that’s based on remembering the story then there might be some replay value and incentive for us to enjoy story mode more.

Some example question types are:
“Which character does this shadow belong to?” Could belong to a minor, non playable character.
“What are the SAs for this variant?”
“What is the reason X character wants to obtain the skull heart?”

A few non-game related but perhaps related to the community is also fun to ask. For example:
“Which if the following players have YouTube channels with helpful tutorials?”
“Which if the following players obtained Legendary title in rift last season?”

I think it is possible to engage the community to submit a big initial batch of questions (and obviously a small reward for those efforts.) and these can be updated on once every one or two major patch updates.

On weekends there can be pub-quiz like events for guilds (when that is implemented) and a GM to host questions. (I nominate Cellsai)

One major challenge would be other languages and the need for translation. Though, I think that’s work players of other regions and bilingual players wouldn’t mind helping with for free or with a small in game reward. It just needs to be coordinated.

Thought I’d share it to see how people would react to this idea.
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I absolutely love this idea. I think it's a good way to bring the community together even more!
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This sounds great! I like the questions too, aside from who got legendary rank in rift. I’m 85% sure that’s always someone with a Japanese name and I sure don’t know how to spell it :confused:
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This sounds great! I like the questions too, aside from who got legendary rank in rift. I’m 85% sure that’s always someone with a Japanese name and I sure don’t know how to spell it :confused:
Oh that’s a good point! I forget that not everyone can read and type other languages hah..
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