• [2018/06/22]
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Reshiram's Updated Competitive PvP Tier List


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2018
Reaction score
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hello again everyone. Today I decided to make an updated version of the Competitive PvP Tier List due to the fact that new tech has come to my attention and general opinions on each character have had time to develop in the months that have passed since my first tier list from October 2019. Before we get into the actual tier list itself I will be leaving a spoiler that explains what defines the tiers themselves and certain terms that come up in the character explanations for anyone new to the game, new to community combo notation, or unfamiliar with the finer mechanics of the game.
Tier definitions:
S means the character has the complete package of tools/threat and damage output
A means the character is a little bit lacking in one area or their stuff is not always universal
B means that the character is significantly flawed in damage or tools
C is for characters that are worse than B in both areas of damage and tools

ToD: Touch of death. Refers to combos that can kill a character that is at full health when the combo begins.
Weight: Characters in Skullgirls have a weight value attached to them. This value determines a character's falling speed when airborne. This falling speed in turn has an impact on combo potential. There are three weight classes in Skullgirls: lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight. The lightweight class includes Filia, Peacock, Ms Fortune, Valentine, Painwheel, and Squigly. The mediumweight class includes Beowulf, Parasoul, Eliza, Robo Fortune, and Cerebella. Finally the heavyweight class includes Double and Big Band.
D1: Dash attack 1(swipe forward once)
L1: Ground tap attack 1(tap once)

Without further ado here is the tier list itself, with placement reasonings placed in a spoiler below the image.

Ms Fortune is in S tier primarily because headless Fortune turns the game on its head. Headless Fortune has everything a character could want. Guard pressure? She can do repeated pressure with the head set up behind the opponent. Damage output? Headless Fortune possesses ToD potential against just about everyone.

Squigly is in S tier because she has a complete package of easy ToD combos and easy guard break setups.

Peacock is in S tier because she can guard break with a simple blockstring into Impending Doom plus charge attack. She also has ToD potential against most of the cast and her zoning can be a huge pain to deal with.

Valentine is in S tier because she has ToD potential against everyone with triple CVs and Forbidden Procedure. The revives with Forbidden are nice to have as a backup measure as well. Val also has a top tier command grab in Mortuary Drop, which is her best tool in neutral.

Robo Fortune is in S tier because she has a ToD against every character. Her neutral game is nothing to laugh at either, with her SM beams giving her full screen presence that is safe on block and her Headrone Ram being a move that can catch foes from full screen or even turn a hit on you into their character getting killed by a Robo ToD just because the Headrone Ram hit them during their D1 or L1. Robo also has the only armored move that is safe on block in Rotation Hazard.

Eliza is in A tier because she has a fullscreen command grab in Weight of Anubis (AKA sewer grab), and the best okizeme in the game with the unblockable Sehkmet CA. However she is held back by not having a ToD against the entire cast.

Big Band is in A tier because his one hit of super armor while dashing lets him put on a lot of guard pressure and also just get some brute force touches. He is held back from S tier by the fact that he can only ToD the lightweights of the cast and because the armored dash can become predictable if used repeatedly.

Parasoul is at A tier because she has a very controlling neutral game, the ability to counter bursts with the Egret Dive, and ToD potential against lightweight characters. She is held back from S tier because she does not have ToD potential against the heavyweight characters.

Double is in A tier because while she has a universal guard break setup with Catellite Lives, AKA Catheads, she lacks ToD potential and her kit doesn't have a ton to offer in neutral other than the Catheads guard break setup.

Filia is in A tier because she can put on good guard pressure with the help of her speedy and safe backdash. However she is held back from S tier because she can't ToD everyone.

Painwheel is in B tier because while she has incredible damage and even some ToD potential, she has a hard time getting a regular hit into a full combo. Flight Risk is an ability that can capitalize off of a knockdown with fly grab, which is a breakable throw that is harder to tech than a normal throw and also has unique combo routes attached to it, but Flight Risk can be punishable and only has fly grab as a real option for neutral because the the other two options off of Flight Risk are complete trash.

Cerebella is in B tier because she has stagger on throw break along with some command grabs that actually have pretty decent combo potential. Stagger on throw break is Cerebella's greatest boon and is a guaranteed win against anyone who spams normal throw (good luck getting one of those in a laggy match though). Cerebella also has two armored SMs in Lock & Load and Battle Butt that she can utilize in neutral. She is held back from A tier because the command grabs are tricky to use in neutral because of their rather specified range and because her armored moves are heavily punishable on block. She also unfortunately does not have any ToD potential.

Finally to round out the list Beowulf is in C tier because he is split between either using command grabs for easy hits with no follow ups or struggling to get a regular hit to do a full combo because his kit is simply too limited to do both of those things simultaneously.
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Would adding more damage to Beowulf's hits help? That's how I've always known him— simple combos but reasonable damage.
I may be a bit biased in this opinion because I favor Beowulf over the rest (awoo), but from what I know, Competitive mode is all about balance. `3`
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Would adding more damage to Beowulf's hits help? That's how I've always known him— simple combos but reasonable damage.
I may be a bit biased in this opinion because I favor Beowulf over the rest (awoo), but from what I know, Competitive mode is all about balance. `3`
Beo would need improvements to his kit for neutral more than extra raw damage on his attacks because if just his damage was buffed he would merely be in the same boat as Painwheel: a character with lots of damage that is locked away behind a mediocre neutral game
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I think Squigly is the easiest to beat - she just stands there, rolling around that tail like she cares less about the fight.
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I think Squigly is the easiest to beat - she just stands there, rolling around that tail like she cares less about the fight.
It feels like you have only played against bad Squigly users who go for raw Dragon Charges in neutral instead of doing them behind a Battle Opera note or at the end of a combo/grab
Oh in PvP verse mode my mistake, I thought this meant Prize Fight most the times I forget even verse mode exists. Sorry about that.
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a surprisingly large number of people dont know how to play against a painwheel so id put her in the A tier but i see what could justify putting her so low there
a surprisingly large number of people dont know how to play against a painwheel so id put her in the A tier but i see what could justify putting her so low there
The tier list is mainly theory based using what the characters have on paper. In practice any character can do well in the right hands.
I feel like fortune should be on a tier of her own, she wins against literally everyone, has unburstable ToD's, and amazing reversal tools.

I feel like robo should be a tier down, she relies on generating a level 2 bb to ToD, and she lacks any good reversals. CCA also generates way too much meter for the opponent to be useful.

Para should probably be a tier up, her guard damage with bikes, d1, and l3 are insane. she also has much larger air combos, making it so the opponent cannot burst.

Eliza shouldn't be in A because her ToD's mainly are grounded, meaning they can be bursted, as well as sekhmet being able to be hit and potentially killed off of a super.

Double shouldn't be A because she relies too much on building a level 2 BB, as well as lacking good reversal tools. Without any specials or BBs she doesn't have much to do in neutral, leaving her to get guard broken or hit easily.

Personally, I think Filia is the worst character in Competitive. She lacks a safe reversal, making incoming hard, but she also needs meter for both neutral and combos. She loses incredibly hard to every single character that can zone or wall her out, and only realistically beats bella/double. Her backdash gives the opponent enough space to wall her out so they can regenerate their guard meter. She's also a lightweight, making her ToD food for much of the cast. With her lack of defensive ability and her poor neutral, she just doesn't win a damage race against her opponent. I think she would be the bottom of C tier.

I think Bella should also be C tier. Her damage output is abysmal, as well as her movement speed. It's easy to wall her out, even if she has armor moves. For example, pea can throw a bomb and bella can start up battle butt, but often Pea can block before bella reaches her. Her only safe reversal is a BB2, and that is her main combo tool. Her combos are also majorly burstable, unless damage is sacrificed. Last of all, her command grabs are easy to space around. You can bait out the opponents MGR or DD if you double backdash/single backdash depending on the character.

I also feel Beo should be a tier up. He isn't phenomenal, but he does have command grab reversals, as well as hurting hurtle to catch people trying to space around his command grabs. Entering hype mode means the opponent has to 50/50 reversaling or blocking. They could try to avoid being spam command grabbed with a reversal, but if it is unsafe beo will get a full combo.
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