• [2018/06/22]
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Characters Reworking suggestion of Reimaged (2nd)


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2023
Reaction score
It's been less than a month since Reimaged was added, but her sig2 is underwhelming compared to other defensive fighters. I posted reworking suggestion for her in previous thread, but it seems like she still falls short compared to the others. So, I came up with my 2nd idea, with the help of JP community!

Reimaged 🔵(2nd)

Sig1 - The 1st COMBO HIT landed on Robo Fortune converts 1 opponent BUFF into RANDOM DEBUFF and grants ARMOR for 5/7/10 seconds (No change)

Sig2 - When defeated or DETONATING, remove opponent BUFF and inflict DISABLE BB for 10/15/20 seconds. Also once per match, resurrect with 25% health and gain permanent HEAVY REGEN and 2 stacks of BARRIER.

- According to JP community, many players believe that she is “totally defensive”, and hopeless on offense. They don't seem to have anything in particular to say about the current Sig1. Considering this fact, I personally think it is well-balanced now. Previously there was an opinion that makes it activated by “either fighter” hit, but with this change, the synergy with PA and beam barrage tactics are too great, has high possibility to make her OP.

- As I suggested before, since detonating BB2 already has meter reducing effect, her 100% meter reduction is kinda wasted. I think it would be a good adjustment to remove 100% BB meter reduction and focus on Disable BB instead. With this change, BB2’s meter reducing won’t be wasted and not ignored by meter gain or haste.
A minor change, but I believe that by making these effects will be activated "at the moment of detonation" rather than "after the detonation", which will result in greater effectiveness.

- However, it takes a fair amount of time to activate detonation, and even if the meter is full, the defending AI tends not to activate it as expected (probably because it sacrifice 10% of her health?). To compensate for this, I have increased the duration by 5 seconds from before. This allows her to expect higher returns in line with the higher risk.

- Many JP community players also says 1 regen is not enough (ICU Valentine is often compared to her) and enrage is really useless. So, I made big changes for her sig2 resurrection!
I removed enrage and add 2 barriers, changed regen to heavy regen. With this change, She trades her low offensive strength for even higher defensive strength, makes her more shine in many defensive situations! However, for attackers, countermeasures can be taken by using curse or anti-resurrection, the same tactics can still be effective as before.

What do you think about this adjustment? Feel free to comment your opinion!!