• [2018/06/22]
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Characters [SA Tweaks] Big Band - Vintage Virtuoso


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score
I feel like one of Vintage Virtuoso's problems is the dependance on high combos, which contradicts with the Guard Break debuff, as it's only viable while in neutral. If you're going for a high combo, by the time your combo ends, Guard Break's duration will be close to over, and you'll have very few remaining stacks applied.

My proposal is as follows:
Signature Ability 1
Gain 1 stack of PRECISION every 20/15/10 combo hits. Ending a combo of at least 20/15/10 hits grants 1 stack of PRECISION.

Signature Ability 2
PRECISION HITS grant ENRAGE. Ending a combo inflicts a 10 second stack of GUARD BREAK for every 20/15/10 combo hits.

Reasons for SA1 buff:
- The change to SA1 means that you can more effectively utilize Precision to finish off an opponent with an on Death SA trigger. Even if you end up using up your Precision during a combo, when it ends you have a guaranteed one.

Reasons for SA2 buff:
- This essentially complements SA1. If your combo is 20 hits, when it ends you apply 2 stacks of GUARD BREAK. You now have the full Guard Break duration at your disposal, allowing you tackle the fight as you please.
- Combined with the guaranteed Precision after a combo ends and combined with the increased Guard Break stacks, you can more effectively kill off a variant with an on Death Signature Ability like Immoral Fiber.

Let's use Vintage Virtuoso's trailer as a reference. I'll add Timestamps to indicate where the Guard Break change will be a buff:

0:07 - combo ends at 10 hits. The enemy would be at 1 stack of Guard Break, instead of 0.
0:25 - combo ends at 50 hits. The enemy would be a 5 stacks of Guard break, instead of 3 (with the 3rd close to ending). Also, given the length of the combo, the first Guard Break stack from 0.07 would have expired, leaving you with 5 stacks of 10 sec Guard Break.

Overall, VV is not highly impressive right now. His damage is rather low, while utility is a bit loose. Even in the official Tier List it's evident that his Fire Element Bronze counterpart is significantly better, and more widely used. Hopefully these changes will help even out the playing field and make him more viable at his niche

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While contemplating the change, I added an addition to SA1 as well:

Signature Ability 1
Gain 1 stack of PRECISION every 20/15/10 combo hits. Ending a combo of at least 20/15/10 hits grants 1 stack of PRECISION.
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