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Collection Suggestion about move loadouts improvement


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2023
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As you get more advanced, move loadouts is good feature that managing moves for various variants. But I think it can improve more, so here’s my suggestions for loadouts improvement!

• Add function to name loadouts
- Can you please allow us to name the loadouts,devs??? The more loadouts I have saved, the harder it becomes to remember them all. Maybe majority of players think same.

- For example, I have 3 Corrosive Agent’s move loadouts for each purposes, which really want to name “Crit CA” ,” All rounder CA” and “Defensive CA”.

• Add “Rift loadout”
Have you ever had your rift base attacked while some or all of your Rift defender’s move loadouts are assigned to other fighters? “Rift loadout” will solve this problem!

- This is a loadout that can be assigned exclusively to the Rift Defense, and separated from normal loadouts while that fighter is defending the base.
In other words, the moves assigned to the Rift Loadout can be freely set to any fighters except other defenders without removing it while that fighter is in the rift base!

• Add function to share your loadouts
- Sometimes, it's hard to decide what move set to make and what status to invest for each fighters. I think adding a feature to share your loadout would be a good idea to solve such situations.

-Same as replays, you can share your loadouts in chat! Each loadout will be encoded and can be searched in new “Loadout Hub”. You can “like” your favorite loadouts to access it quickly. This forum or any social media would also be a great tool for sharing encoded loadouts. (btw there is no “rental” function).

- I understand that many players don't want to share their secret move sets with others, but professionals should help beginners imo. sharing loadouts can be a great help for beginners, and also professionals themselves!

As always, if you have better ideas, feel free to comment here!
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Reactions: Dusty00
really like the share loadout idea! Often we don’t even know we’re not playing optimally because we are using moves with better stats rather than better synergies for combos.

Also, Talk about way for people to flex their 200+% sets too lol.

The other two of your suggestions are already on Dev’s radar I think but good to reinforce.