• [2018/06/22]
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Fights TAG OUT needs a rework

Annie enjoyer

Oct 26, 2024
Reaction score
RNG with tag out is too aggressive.
Let's assume you need to kill first the third fighter, so you tag out the 1, 2 enters, you tag out 2, 1 enters.
You can get in a loop where you get 1 and 2 over and over again, until you lost half of the match just to tag a fighter.

My idea is simple, tag out needs to follow an order: 1 > 2 > 3 > 1.

I don't really get if this already has some rules or so, this case where I fail to tag my target over and over again (or just I never get it) happens too often that feels like the standard.
Instead of try to play with tag out, it feels easier just try to aboard other options like brute force.

(Now you tell me that indeed I can pick who tags in or so, and I got clowned)
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Reactions: Kheul
I'd be happy with more consistent outtakes as well. No idea what's the current ruling for choosing the opponent. Is it based on HP, Fighter Score or just RNG
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Reactions: Annie enjoyer
I never thought about that, maybe it has a rule based on hp? i think it could be, those loops of 1 > 2 > 1 > 2 > 1 usually end after a while... uh. weird.
I'd be happy with more consistent outtakes as well. No idea what's the current ruling for choosing the opponent. Is it based on HP, Fighter Score or just