• [2018/06/22]
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Treat calculations

Treat hoard or spend?

  • Hoard for the 0-60 dopamine

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Spend for immediate gains

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2018
Reaction score
Albuquerque, New Mexico
With treats now in the wild, I decided to do some good old fashioned mathematics to figure just how much players need to farm to max a fresh, normal diamond. The example will start with Master Holodeck as it is the most relevant to endgame, but just know that doing lower Holodeck difficulties will make the process take longer depending on your account progression.

A Master Holodeck run gives ten 50ks for each completion, and you get a max of thirty 50ks per day that way. 10 50ks is 500k XP of treats, doing three Holodeck runs gives 1.5 million XP in 50ks. 26,350,354 divided by 1.5 million makes about 17.6, which means that you can farm up the treats to max a normal diamond from 0 to 60 in 18 full days of master Holodeck alone before any income from gifts, Cabinet, or ads.
With treats now in the wild, I decided to do some good old fashioned mathematics to figure just how much players need to farm to max a fresh, normal diamond. The example will start with Master Holodeck as it is the most relevant to endgame, but just know that doing lower Holodeck difficulties will make the process take longer depending on your account progression.

A Master Holodeck run gives ten 50ks for each completion, and you get a max of thirty 50ks per day that way. 10 50ks is 500k XP of treats, doing three Holodeck runs gives 1.5 million XP in 50ks. 26,350,354 divided by 1.5 million makes about 17.6, which means that you can farm up the treats to max a normal diamond from 0 to 60 in 18 full days of master Holodeck alone before any income from gifts, Cabinet, or ads.
And that's on top of the XP from actually finishing nodes (plus any XP boost), so...less than 18 days?

I also crunched the numbers for buying XP treats in the CoC. Seems 1 Rift Coin is worth 2k xp (50k x 5 for 125RC) and 1CC is worth 5 xp (50k x 5 for 50kCC). I'm starting to doubt it is worth those purchases in the CoC ATM compared to Master Holo and other 'free' sources of XP treats available.
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And that's on top of the XP from actually finishing nodes (plus any XP boost), so...less than 18 days?
less than 18 days if you choose to level the target a bit in the Holodeck runs, 18 days for straight up 0-60 with no Holodeck runs on the target while leveling other stuff with the Holodeck runs
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