He's Korean, not Chinese. His name can be translate to LabChicken. I'm a big fan of his but sadly, he quit SGM for some reason i don't know. Here's his channel name: 치킨연구소. If you still want to play, here's the moves set and stats for each:
- Bassline: Atk% > Piercing > Tag Cooldown > Hp%. You can squeeze in some Defense but i recommend just stick with 4 stats at most. For move set, go Beat Extend (this is his only way to deal some good damage), Super-Sonic Jazz, Cymbal Cash, Tympani Drive and Tuba Tuba.
- Rerun and Sketchy: Atk% > Piercing > Tag Cooldown > Crit Rate/ Crit Damage. For move set, both will need Impending Doom, Lonesome Lenny, Bandwagon Rushdown and Good Fellows, last slot i recommend using a Who's On Second for Rerun and George At The Air Show for Sketchy.
Do keep in mind that the Lonesome Lenny + Good Fellows combo no longer works so you will be missing out a huge chunk of damage, this make the Tag comp worsen by a lot. Alternatively, you can go Bass Bass Rerun or maybe triple Bass but they perform way worse than the og Tag comp, still they are very fun and usable below streaks 40.
//I cant post the link since it flagged as spam content.