• [2018/06/22]
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Trying to recreate team combo of bigband and two peacocks but need some help


New Member
Jan 17, 2025
Reaction score
Hello guys,like the topic of this thread says; I came across a certain chinese YouTube livestream using sketchy peacock,rerun peacock and bassline bigband,I really enjoyed the combos but I forgot the moves set he used and his stats investment but I was sure he had tag cool down investment,I subscribed to his channel but can't see his channel any longer,so guys I need your help finding his socials or new account,or maybe you might have come across his livestream you can help me break it down..... thanks in advance guys
He's Korean, not Chinese. His name can be translate to LabChicken. I'm a big fan of his but sadly, he quit SGM for some reason i don't know. Here's his channel name: 치킨연구소. If you still want to play, here's the moves set and stats for each:

- Bassline: Atk% > Piercing > Tag Cooldown > Hp%. You can squeeze in some Defense but i recommend just stick with 4 stats at most. For move set, go Beat Extend (this is his only way to deal some good damage), Super-Sonic Jazz, Cymbal Cash, Tympani Drive and Tuba Tuba.

- Rerun and Sketchy: Atk% > Piercing > Tag Cooldown > Crit Rate/ Crit Damage. For move set, both will need Impending Doom, Lonesome Lenny, Bandwagon Rushdown and Good Fellows, last slot i recommend using a Who's On Second for Rerun and George At The Air Show for Sketchy.

Do keep in mind that the Lonesome Lenny + Good Fellows combo no longer works so you will be missing out a huge chunk of damage, this make the Tag comp worsen by a lot. Alternatively, you can go Bass Bass Rerun or maybe triple Bass but they perform way worse than the og Tag comp, still they are very fun and usable below streaks 40.

//I cant post the link since it flagged as spam content.
Thanks very much boss,I really appreciate.on a side why are the developers nerfing some combo strings,such a downer lonesome Lenny and good fellows don't connect anymore
Lab Chicken, the only person known to make Bassline a threat.