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Umbrella Guide - Universal counter to Dahlia


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
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Umbrella is in my opinion, the universal counter to Black Dahlia and most buff heavy variants (excluding those reliant on immunity).
Because she can fast and reliably apply SLIME!

Bobblin'Bubble is the star of the show for this build. Umbrella can reliably chain multiple Bubble attacks via dash attack immediately after using Bobblin'Bubble. The build is most effective with having at least 3 equipped. Vs heavy Fighters you can't chain as many bubbles, only 2 vs Band for example, but vs Lights and Mediums it's another story. Even so, I still recommend this build for when you're facing Big Band. At the end of the video I show off the extended version of the combo where you get to use Bobblin'Bubble 4 times while having 3 equipped and also use Tongue Twister twice.

Demonstration of the build:

Apart from Bobblin Bubble, there are 3 moves that go well with this build, but please feel free to experiment. Those 3 are

For Resets:
1735429188809.png and 1735429172494.png

For more SLIME applications, Health Recovery, extended Bubble combos and general BB Meter dump:

The stats you'll need to focus on
% Attack​
For offense, your most important move
Special CDR​
You want cooldown reduction on your special moves as you'll be spamming them a lot. I recommend at least 27%
At least 15% to mitigate the opponent's base defense from skill points.
Crit Chance​
You want to be landing critical hits on Dahlia so you can proc her No Time to Die Marquee
Crit Damage​
For more damage, since you'll be landing crits often
Since Resistance lowers the opponent's Accuracy, you will also reduce the chance of proc-ing Dahlia's No Time to Die marquee, as it was changed to a chance based effect in the latest patch. Accuracy increases the proc chance of Prestige and Marquee abilities, so you'll be negating that. Not that anybody runs Resistance on offense, but please keep this in mind.

For Death Wish and Psykid you can get away by using only 2 Bobblin'Bubble depending on the situation.

1735428222877.png DW easily applies Hex, and in cases where the enemy gains buffs only from the Signature Ability, you simply won't utilize the SLIMEs that much. Still, it's an easy meterless universal combo, so you can stick with the base build on her.

1735428241210.png With Psykid, since she can easily apply Inverse Polarity, if you're vs opponents that utilize Regeneration and Healing a lot (Dahlia), you can stick to just 2 Bobblin'Bubbles if you wish to utilize tools from the rest of umby's kit, like Wish Maker for example.

By chaining Bobblin'Bubble, undervalued variants suddenly become a lot stronger. Namely:

1735428333987.png You can go for a 4 Bubble build with Tidal Traveler if you want. You'll be getting a lot of good burst damage with her, especially thanks to her SA also applying Armor Break.

1735428403189.png Building up Power Surge stacks in order to trigger SA2 becomes very easy. You no longer rely on Robo Fortune to utilize her. This makes her especially good vs Dahlia, without the need of even applying disable Blockbuster, thanks to the Blockbuster meter removal of SA2. A 4 Bubble build may also be necessary if you don't have enough accuracy.

You can go for any Assist that you fancy, but I have to give out a special shoutout to 2 variants​

1735431229843.png She grants BOTH Cooldown reduction for special moves and increased damage for special moves. And guess what you'll be using mostly? Best of all, they stack! So you can get 2 Harleys for even more damage and CDR. Something very important is that Harley's CDR not only stacks but goes above the natural CDR cap! Meaning you can reach 120% CDR with 2 on your side. You won't really need that much, but it can help if you haven't invested at all in CDR stats on your moves

1735431567188.png Pea Shooter's Signature Ability increases the damage of ALL Projectiles, those of allies as well. And what is Bobblin'Bubble? It's a projectile. With 2 Pea Shooters you'll have a 70% damage increase to your bubbles, granting you devastating burst damage. A great addition is that all projectiles also have a chance of applying Armor Break, so that's even more damage!

In conclusion

This build makes EVERY SINGLE Umbrella, more than adequate to deal with Dahlia and any other buff heavy fighter you come across. Use this to your advantage in Parallel Realms next time and see the boss nodes melt whenever they get Regen stacks.


Big credits to AFrozenKitten on the Discord forum for first showing me this combo
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