• [2018/06/22]
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URGENT: Emergency Maintenance Update


Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
UPDATE: Sunday 2/4/18
Hi everyone - just wanted to provide a quick update on the latest status and give some visibility into next steps once we get all of this resolved.

2.0.4 UPDATE
If all goes well, we are planning to release a 2.0.4 client update on the App Stores later tonight. This will be the app you need to jump into the game once the servers are back up, but - minimally - it will explicitly tell you that the game is down for Emergency Maintenance (instead of a cryptic error).

We recommend downloading it ASAP so you’re ready for when the game is live again!

Happy to report that the rollback/restore process - while time consuming - is going well.

Although there will be some unfortunate side-effects for all users given the nature of this event, we are going to try to keep them to a minimum. These currently will include:
  • All Moves will be unequipped from your Fighters
  • Your last default team will not have been saved
  • Non-CPU Prize Fight teams will need to be re-registered
  • Daily Login Progress will be reset - we will advance everyone 6 days to ensure everyone will be able to get the February rewards
  • Any unclaimed rewards in your mailbox that were sent after Jan 15th will not be recovered
  • All Valentine Prize Fight Rewards will not be granted (we address this in our compensation packages later)
  • If you purchased any “one time per user” offers, they will all be available again
While we are going to be able to re-construct everyone’s data, unfortunately the server issues caused existing authentication references to be deleted as well. This means we may not be able to relink everyone to their existing account data.

We will provide a detailed breakdown of what to expect once we are done with the restoration process, but - as it stands - users who migrated their data over from the LINE version will likely have full data recovery without significant issues.

For users who created brand new accounts since Jan 4th (our Soft Launch date) it's more complicated. There are a number of moving parts based on your login method(s) and app activity (notably whether the app has been deleted or not) that will impact whether or not you will be able to authenticate and access your data again.

If you are unable to automatically access your data, there are some workarounds we can try to use to help users recover access on a case by case basis. We’ll have more information on this process for those affected very soon.

To reiterate: almost all user data has been successfully reconstructed, but now we are working to ensure as many users as possible can access their accounts using existing login credentials.

We are of course working extra hard to try to ensure that this negatively impacts as few users as possible.

All users
will be getting compensation that is roughly commensurate with what they could have earned during this downtime if they were extremely active. Among other things, yes - this will include a Gold Fighter.

If it so happens that certain users have completely lost access to their old data, we are preparing a generous compensation package that will hopefully get you back in the saddle ASAP (for many users, you will be even better off than you were before). Among MANY other things, yes - this will also include a Gold Fighter.

We will share more details regarding compensation specifics once the dust has settled a bit on the migration process itself.

We are also planning to make some adjustments to our standard schedule for Prize Fights and Relic Availability in light of the circumstances.

Expect another update tomorrow - thanks so much again for everyone’s patience as we navigate this process. Looking forward to having it all resolved once and for all.

We’ll keep you posted!
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UPDATE: Friday 2/1/18

As many of you have noticed, Skullgirls Mobile has been down all day for Emergency Maintenance!

While I wish this post was to let you know that the game is back up and running, I wanted to at least give you all a heads-up regarding what happened and what our next steps are.

Earlier this morning, while performing some routine server operations, our backend partner accidentally performed some operations in our user database that damaged its contents. While we have processes that would normally enable us to “rollback and restore” this data, unfortunately given the nature of how this error occurred, we weren’t able to do so using those standard automated processes.

Because an automated rollback process isn’t possible in this instance, we are instead performing a manual “rollback and restore”. This means that we are effectively having the server re-perform all of the actions that players have recently taken since our last snapshot in order to get our database back up to speed.

While we are doing everything in our power to prevent any data loss, there may be some users that will experience some issues. Rest assured, we’re doing everything we can to minimize this, and we will make sure that all users (not only those who encounter issues) are compensated appropriately given all this unexpected downtime.

While we’re just as eager as you all are to get the game back up ASAP, we also want to make sure that everyone’s data is intact and everything is running smoothly so we don’t have to suddenly bring the server back down again.

Realistically, that means that we probably won’t be live again for at least another couple of days. :(

Pending App Store approvals, we are going to be releasing a new 2.0.4 client within the next day or two that helps to address some of the issues we’re experiencing. Everyone will need to download this update before being able to access the game again.

DO NOT DELETE THE OLD APP FROM YOUR DEVICE! It won’t help you connect to the game, and - depending on your login method - it may make the data recovery process more complicated.

Needless to say, we’re incredibly sorry for the huge headache this has caused and we can’t thank you all enough for your patience throughout this process while we get everything sorted out.

Stay tuned here on the forums and on Twitter for the latest/greatest information. We’ll keep you posted!
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Sorry for this question but I'm not sure to understand all, I'm not good reading English.
I cannot run the game until 2.0.4 be ready? Two days maybe? Or someone can help me explain me this in Spanish.
Dice que tenemos que esperar a que realicen todas las operaciones que están haciendo, ya que el camino adecuado para restaurar sería fácil si es que el sistema les permitiese, pero no pueden, así que están recuperando todo manualmente, así que el juego no estará disponible por las siguientes 48 horas, pero cuando lo esté, tendremos que actualizar la aplicación antes de volver a jugar, ya que lo de estos días ha sido el 2.0.2 y la 2.0.3(actualmente la tenemos todos) así que para la próxima saldrá la 2.0.4 y ahí recién podremos entrar ya habiendo actualizado posteriormente la aplicación.
Dice que tenemos que esperar a que realicen todas las operaciones que están haciendo, ya que el camino adecuado para restaurar sería fácil si es que el sistema les permitiese, pero no pueden, así que están recuperando todo manualmente, así que el juego no estará disponible por las siguientes 48 horas, pero cuando lo esté, tendremos que actualizar la aplicación antes de volver a jugar, ya que lo de estos días ha sido el 2.0.2 y la 2.0.3(actualmente la tenemos todos) así que para la próxima saldrá la 2.0.4 y ahí recién podremos entrar ya habiendo actualizado posteriormente la aplicación.

Eres mi ídolo Diego, gracias. Pues a esperar... saludos.
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Reactions: David Mendez Gurra
In short an inexperienced or clueless ruined things and hurt us
Ok with this and there are three games where the same thing happens to me so that it is no longer a novelty. I only hope that the same will not happen to me here as in the others.
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Reactions: David Mendez Gurra
Sorry for this question but I'm not sure to understand all, I'm not good reading English.
I cannot run the game until 2.0.4 be ready? Two days maybe? Or someone can help me explain me this in Spanish.
Así es, van a sacar una versión temporal y dice que no borres tu aplicación antigua porque esa la van a activar de nuevo cuando el servidor vuelva a funcionar.
I hope that they took care of the situation.
Also what will happen to the person who's responsible for the Emergency maintenance?

Hi dev,
your announcement is too late. Already reinstall the game. hopefully i didnt lost the progress. Expecting excellent customer service from Dev team.
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Reactions: David Mendez Gurra