• [2018/06/22]
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Viable Robocopy changes

Do you think this was a good change?

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Feb 11, 2020
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So let’s face it, Robocopy kinda under performs compared to most Big Bands. I’m gonna compared Robocopy and Beatbox to show their similarities and how Robocopy is the worst compared to every other Big Band. So Beatbox has his two signatures. You gain a stack of enrage and 25% Blockbuster meter every time you use a special move, which is great. Now Robocopy on the other hand his signature is that every knockout he gains two stacks of enrage and two stacks of defense along with 50% Blockbuster meter. Sounds cool right? But the thing is it only works on KNOCKOUT. So you’re only limited to having your signature activate three times. Compared to Beatbox (which is a bronze which Robocopy is a silver) Beatbox is obviously the superior pick. How would I change this? Well Big Band always took the “Tank” role in this game, being able to take the punishment while dishing it out with helpful buffs like stun, enrage and defense. So I think they should leave his Signature only to be activated on enemy knockout but instead of enrage, give him a stack of heavy regenerate. Which gives him a more tank role and actually has a good use rather then the ten second enrage. The enrage is cool and all but you rely on your enemy (mostly bots) to attack first while your blocking so you can punish which half the time they don’t attack until such time has passed. With the heavy regeneration along with armor gives him a chance to restore the health from the last person he battled while blocking any incoming damage. (Should have added this in earlier but instead of a ten second heavy regen make it five seconds along but keep the defense the same)
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So let’s face it, Robocopy kinda under performs compared to most Big Bands. I’m gonna compared Robocopy and Beatbox to show their similarities and how Robocopy is the worst compared to every other Big Band. So Beatbox has his two signatures. You gain a stack of enrage and 25% Blockbuster meter every time you use a special move, which is great. Now Robocopy on the other hand his signature is that every knockout he gains two stacks of enrage and two stacks of defense along with 50% Blockbuster meter. Sounds cool right? But the thing is it only works on KNOCKOUT. So you’re only limited to having your signature activate three times. Compared to Beatbox (which is a bronze which Robocopy is a silver) Beatbox is obviously the superior pick. How would I change this? Well Big Band always took the “Tank” role in this game, being able to take the punishment while dishing it out with helpful buffs like stun, enrage and defense. So I think they should leave his Signature only to be activated on enemy knockout but instead of enrage, give him a stack of heavy regenerate. Which gives him a more tank role and actually has a good use rather then the ten second enrage. The enrage is cool and all but you rely on your enemy (mostly bots) to attack first while your blocking so you can punish which half the time they don’t attack until such time has passed. With the heavy regeneration along with armor gives him a chance to restore the health from the last person he battled while blocking any incoming damage. (Should have added this in earlier but instead of a ten second heavy regen make it five seconds along but keep the defense the same)
I cannot really remember Robocopy much as it was like a few year ago: I was levelling him up then just sacked him instantly at around level 30ish to trade for a better Big Band at the start of the game, and if I remember right too the enrage isn't permanent (could be wrong). For Big Band it would be nice to either permanent enrage or as you suggested a little something extra like health regenerate, even perhaps a ability to drain those blockbusters cause he isn't that good on a stand off with like Squigly or something.

He was pretty good at the start and I mean usually in the Prize Fight area you will get a K.O if you play him right, but if you evolved him am sure he'll be weak as mush compared to anyone else.
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No the enrage lasts just as long as the defense which is ten seconds. With the Blockbuster either affect...I don’t think Big Band needs that. That would throw the balance off real quickly.
No the enrage lasts just as long as the defense which is ten seconds. With the Blockbuster either affect...I don’t think Big Band needs that. That would throw the balance off real quickly.
It could but I mean is one enrage and one defence (defence could be replaced with something other if at will)

Apologies not sounding to clear there, I just meant like his buffs been permanent rather then just fading off. Still a lot of other Big Bands with a lot more attack.
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If we made the two stacks of enrage and defense permanent then that would be too OP. If we do make the stacks permanent then we’re gonna have to change what he gains. Instead of two enrage stacks he should gain one and having a permanent amour would be too good. I don’t know what else I would let him have a stack of but I think a five second heavy regen would be the best bet.
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But the thing is it only works on KNOCKOUT. So you’re only limited to having your signature activate three times.
Yeah, but the third time doesn't matter because it's the end of the match, so actually only works 2

If we made the two stacks of enrage and defense permanent then that would be too OP. If we do make the stacks permanent then we’re gonna have to change what he gains. Instead of two enrage stacks he should gain one and having a permanent amour would be too good. I don’t know what else I would let him have a stack of but I think a five second heavy regen would be the best bet.
Just Permanent Enrage. Permanent armor would be so much OP
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Isn't armour and enrage like 10-15% of attack/defence added on? I know one isn't that high in the game.
I dont know but I think its around that percentage
Sorry about that mistake but I agree that permanent armor is too powerful.
Isn't armour and enrage like 10-15% of attack/defence added on? I know one isn't that high in the game.

A stack of Armor/Enrage increases DEF/ATK by 20% respectively.

I don't personally understand what Robocopy is meant to do or what his concept is supposed to be. Is he meant to steam roll the opponent after a kill (kinda like a budget version of Dragon Brawler)? If so, is the armor supposed to be some kind of fail-safe option upon a mistake by the player? He has the highest attack stat of all the other Silver Big Bands, but the lowest HP stat amongst them (so low that it's only 3k higher than Bassline). So I suppose he's primarily meant to be used offensively with some defense to survive in fights. I would like to share some ideas I have in mind and hope to collate the ideas suggested by others above me. Be warned, balance is very difficult to handle so I apologize first-hand if some of the ideas I suggest are a bit too much.

Signature Ability 1
Defeating an opponent grants a permanent stack of ARMOR and ENRAGE

Signature Ability 2
Also gain 25/35/50% for all BLOCKBUSTERS and recover 10/15/20% HEALTH

The first one is a simple power-level change without significantly changing his usage (if he's used at all). I think given the recent changes to Armor, a permanent stack shouldn't cause a problem. Also, the fact that he needs to be the one that does the kill is still a huge limiting factor. Some people mentioned Regen but I thought an instant recovery fits with the instant meter gain nicely. I'm not too sure whether these additions are too much for a Silver variant. If I had to pick, I'll keep the permanent stacks and remove the recovery.

Signature Ability 1
Gain permanent ENRAGE while HP is above 50%. ENRAGE is converted to ARMOR while HP is below 50%.

Signature Ability 2
When an opponent is defeated, gain 25/35/50% for all BLOCKBUSTERS while benefiting from ENRAGE and recover 10/15/20% HEALTH while benefiting from ARMOR.

This idea takes a little inspiration from Hellcat and is primarily meant to prevent Robocopy from being completely dependent on the defeat of an opponent's fighter. I thought alternating between ENRAGE/ARMOR is a cool idea that would fit its survival-type role. It's weaker than the first idea since the buffs are separated depending on HP threshold but this may justify the permanent stacks (which also only caps at 1 stack). Another difference is the wording for the second signature ability which is changed from 'Defeating an opponent' to 'When an opponent is defeated', allowing it to gain those meter/health on the bench. In other words, he doesn't need to be the one that does the killing and can act like a mini-Eliza of some sorts.

P.S. I noticed that permanent Armor could be a problem in Rift with Frost Armor's damage reflect, turning Robocopy into a mini-Dreadlocks. HP threshold could be lowered further to minimize the effects.

Signature Ability 1
Upon tag-in, gain two stacks of ARMOR and one stack of ENRAGE for 7/10/15 seconds for each teammate defeated.

Signature Ability 2
Defeating an opponent grants 25/35/50% for all BLOCKBUSTERS and recover 10/15/20% HEALTH.

For this idea, I envision Robocopy to be some kind of revenge-killer type fighter which can work as both a defensive and offensive variant. It is meant to dish out damage and sweep teams on critical situations when there's no other fighters left to use. Defensively, it can tag in with stacks of Armors making it harder to kill without buff removals/curse.

I hope this covers most of what people were thinking to buff Robocopy. I agree that it's very underwhelming and I primarily think it's because it's too dependent on a kill (that needs to be done by itself) to get buffs that only lasts for such a short while. This is why I either changed the buffs to be permanent or change the conditions for some buffs to be less dependent on a kill. It would be useful if we could get an idea on what the devs envision Robocopy to be like.
I absolutely love these changes! The second idea is cool about the switching from armor to enrage is a really neat concept and with the revenge idea is really unique to that character. I agree upon this change rather then the one I presented. I’m gonna screenshot this for future reference. I hope this thread goes wild over the rework you pulled up.
A stack of Armor/Enrage increases DEF/ATK by 20% respectively.

I don't personally understand what Robocopy is meant to do or what his concept is supposed to be. Is he meant to steam roll the opponent after a kill (kinda like a budget version of Dragon Brawler)? If so, is the armor supposed to be some kind of fail-safe option upon a mistake by the player? He has the highest attack stat of all the other Silver Big Bands, but the lowest HP stat amongst them (so low that it's only 3k higher than Bassline). So I suppose he's primarily meant to be used offensively with some defense to survive in fights. I would like to share some ideas I have in mind and hope to collate the ideas suggested by others above me. Be warned, balance is very difficult to handle so I apologize first-hand if some of the ideas I suggest are a bit too much.

Signature Ability 1
Defeating an opponent grants a permanent stack of ARMOR and ENRAGE

Signature Ability 2
Also gain 25/35/50% for all BLOCKBUSTERS and recover 10/15/20% HEALTH

The first one is a simple power-level change without significantly changing his usage (if he's used at all). I think given the recent changes to Armor, a permanent stack shouldn't cause a problem. Also, the fact that he needs to be the one that does the kill is still a huge limiting factor. Some people mentioned Regen but I thought an instant recovery fits with the instant meter gain nicely. I'm not too sure whether these additions are too much for a Silver variant. If I had to pick, I'll keep the permanent stacks and remove the recovery.

Signature Ability 1
Gain permanent ENRAGE while HP is above 50%. ENRAGE is converted to ARMOR while HP is below 50%.

Signature Ability 2
When an opponent is defeated, gain 25/35/50% for all BLOCKBUSTERS while benefiting from ENRAGE and recover 10/15/20% HEALTH while benefiting from ARMOR.

This idea takes a little inspiration from Hellcat and is primarily meant to prevent Robocopy from being completely dependent on the defeat of an opponent's fighter. I thought alternating between ENRAGE/ARMOR is a cool idea that would fit its survival-type role. It's weaker than the first idea since the buffs are separated depending on HP threshold but this may justify the permanent stacks (which also only caps at 1 stack). Another difference is the wording for the second signature ability which is changed from 'Defeating an opponent' to 'When an opponent is defeated', allowing it to gain those meter/health on the bench. In other words, he doesn't need to be the one that does the killing and can act like a mini-Eliza of some sorts.

P.S. I noticed that permanent Armor could be a problem in Rift with Frost Armor's damage reflect, turning Robocopy into a mini-Dreadlocks. HP threshold could be lowered further to minimize the effects.

Signature Ability 1
Upon tag-in, gain two stacks of ARMOR and one stack of ENRAGE for 7/10/15 seconds for each teammate defeated.

Signature Ability 2
Defeating an opponent grants 25/35/50% for all BLOCKBUSTERS and recover 10/15/20% HEALTH.

For this idea, I envision Robocopy to be some kind of revenge-killer type fighter which can work as both a defensive and offensive variant. It is meant to dish out damage and sweep teams on critical situations when there's no other fighters left to use. Defensively, it can tag in with stacks of Armors making it harder to kill without buff removals/curse.

I hope this covers most of what people were thinking to buff Robocopy. I agree that it's very underwhelming and I primarily think it's because it's too dependent on a kill (that needs to be done by itself) to get buffs that only lasts for such a short while. This is why I either changed the buffs to be permanent or change the conditions for some buffs to be less dependent on a kill. It would be useful if we could get an idea on what the devs envision Robocopy to be like.
Sort of agree. The blockbuster meter would be to deadly been that high with a Big Band with a fully loaded meter gain with that been added on, also the tag in would be way to out of range if a silver fighter was to be evolved bronze like say Scrubs. Why I said only one enrage and defence cause well there is just way to many characters in the list (called playing it safe).

Thanks for the info on the defence and enrage when I was searching it nothing actually came up about it!. There is a page on the list of Big Bands on how much the attacks are at diamond level

sorry the URL is going crazy but here is the link: https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/a-big-band-tier-list.4559/#post-24849
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