Hi, I'm fairly new to the game, and I don't own a Gaming PC, I am primarily a Mobile & Nintendo Gamer. I figure my voice is contributory in that regard.
A big draw to the game like above mentioned is the artstyle. I love things being cartoony, and heck, girl dominant cast?! It's a double win. But I say, that's just the draw.
What keeps me playing is the feeling that it's truly free to play, that the gameplay is smooth & easy to learn, plus the world content is coherently defined.
Out of the selection of Google Play Games, this is definitely one of the best.
It's totally not my bias love for jazz/electro swing, big cities, and dystopias saying that either.
Also note, that yes it has fanservice, but in a similar fashion to the anime Kill La Kill, where it's also a parody of fan service, in a reconstructive sort of way of fleshing out tropes creating whole individualized characters, while also maintaining everything as engagingly & rewardfully delightful even for those not sexually attracted to women.
On top of that Skullgirls encompasses a well balanced mix of serious and silly, edgy and wholesome. Neat scifi and science fantasy elements too.
Thank you for reading.