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What do you think Ms. Fortune will be like?


Oh Sai
Hidden Variable Dev
May 8, 2017
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Nadia is still out evading the authorities it seems so she hasn't gotten her claws into Skullgirls Mobile yet. On consoles, Ms Fortune has the special ability to remove her own head and then attack with her head and body separately. How do you think they'll make this work in Skullgirls Mobile?

All the characters in Skullgirls Mobile have special Character Abilities. Currently these are the CA's everyone else has:
Beowulf: Can activate hype mode to enhance his throws.
Big Band: Gives him armor during his dash attack.
Cerebella: Staggers the opponent when she techs a throw.
Eliza: Certain BBs allow her to transform into Sekhmet.
Filia: Back dashing lets her evade attacks.
Painwheel: Swiping up twice allows her to fly.
Parasoul: Charge attacks allow her to detonate her tears.
Peacock: Swiping down twice allows her to disappear before launching surprise attacks.
Valentine: Damage dealt by Val can't be regenerated when they tag out.

What unique ability do you think Ms Fortune will get when she's added? Any other ideas for what Nadia will play like?
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I figure that Fortune is going to work something like Sekhmet, combined with the way some of Valentine's special attacks can change during a fight (tap the special move once, she puts poison in a needle. Press it again and she throws a needle).

When you start a match, Fortune will be a totally normal character. However, she has some special moves that cause her head to pop off. (I will call these Head Specials)
Once her head pops off all her Head Specials change from Fortune Attacks to Head Attacks. From now on, if you tap on any Head Specials it will cause the head to attack, but the body won't move. Tapping, dashing, etc will only make your body move around, so you need to use your Head Specials to control the head.
Once you're done, you tap the Head Recall button to bring the head back (like how you turn back into Eliza after using Sekhmet). All her Head Specials change back from Head Attacks into Fortune Attacks.
I'd assume we won't be able to move her head and body seperately like on OG SG, so using her effectively will probably be more about positioning yourself within range of the head.

Maybe certain Specials will remove her head, while others will re-attach it, or it'll be timed like eliza's Sekhmet mode.

They could make her 'Nom Nom Nom' attack either a special or if her head is detached it could replace her standard throw, giving it more range so to speak.

Most Specials invomving her head would probably need autoaim, since you can't aime her head manually.

Her CA could be about recovering scratch damage more quickly perhaps, since she's basically undead.

I think Ms. Fortune is gonna be the hardest to implement, due to not having the ability to control her head seperately as you do in OG.
Still hoping she is next to be released anyway :p

Sorry this id badly formatted, just writing up what came to my mind on mobile rn lol
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The mobile game does have that "auto-fight" feature where the AI can perform moves automatically for you, if you activate it. Maybe Ms Fortune will have a signature ability where she detaches her head (and it can be recalled with a new button like the Sekhmet cancel or the Hype Mode cancel), and while the head it detached, the computer will manipulate it, moving and attacking of its own accord, while the player continues to control Ms Fortune's body. For balance sakes, it probably would need to be on a timer.
Maybe special moves or BBs will be the method of detaching the head, but once it is detached, I feel like having the computer control it will compensate for the limitations of the platform.
Whatever it ends up being, I hope it's more useful than Painwheel's Flight Risk.
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I figure that Fortune is going to work something like Sekhmet, combined with the way some of Valentine's special attacks can change during a fight (tap the special move once, she puts poison in a needle. Press it again and she throws a needle).

When you start a match, Fortune will be a totally normal character. However, she has some special moves that cause her head to pop off. (I will call these Head Specials)
Once her head pops off all her Head Specials change from Fortune Attacks to Head Attacks. From now on, if you tap on any Head Specials it will cause the head to attack, but the body won't move. Tapping, dashing, etc will only make your body move around, so you need to use your Head Specials to control the head.
Once you're done, you tap the Head Recall button to bring the head back (like how you turn back into Eliza after using Sekhmet). All her Head Specials change back from Head Attacks into Fortune Attacks.
While technically i think it's a good idea, i have the feeling trying to control her head with these rather small special buttons would take a bit too much coordination and would take away your concentration from controling the body.

The mobile game does have that "auto-fight" feature where the AI can perform moves automatically for you, if you activate it. Maybe Ms Fortune will have a signature ability where she detaches her head (and it can be recalled with a new button like the Sekhmet cancel or the Hype Mode cancel), and while the head it detached, the computer will manipulate it, moving and attacking of its own accord, while the player continues to control Ms Fortune's body. For balance sakes, it probably would need to be on a timer.
Maybe special moves or BBs will be the method of detaching the head, but once it is detached, I feel like having the computer control it will compensate for the limitations of the platform.
Whatever it ends up being, I hope it's more useful than Painwheel's Flight Risk.
I think doing her head-detaching either by giving her an extra button like eliza or beowulf or by making certain specials make her head pop off the most likely options.

And i like giving the head it's own AI, so you can keep concentrating on using her body yourself.
The problem here is how to balance it.
Let's say the AI uses a move every 10 seconds maybe, for example if the head is out of range, she'll use her "Zooom!".
IN OG SG you'd have to do that manually, during which you wouldn't be able to activate other combo strings with her body.
Combined with having less options with blocking and evading attacks on mobile, you'd need to be careful, not to make the ability too strong, being able to attack yourself, with free help from the AI Head's abilities at the same time.
She could have a button where Eliza's Sekhmet button and Beowulf's Hype button are that removes her head, and when it's off the head can randomly attack or you can equip special moves that make her head do things like the nom nom nom move.

And if you want the head back you can just press the head button again.

That's just how I always thought it would work out.
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It would be interesting if they made a "head mode" which makes the left half of the screen control the body, and the right side the head.
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kinda new to skullgirls, but from what I know what ms fortune's head does. My idea I'm throwing into the ring is that slight tilts of mobile device launches the head left or right and the ability being a toggle (maybe with slight cool down)
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I'm thinking for msfortune it my kinda work like a pikman from smash were it attaches and does some damage adding extra controls would make it to complicated and hard especially people who use small phones so I don't think they want to make it too complicated.
While I’m not sure exactly what might happen with the head I was thinking since she’s undead and all that maybe all damage she takes can be regained?
What if her headless mode just gives her a different set of moves? Kind of like being in rage mode or something?
She could have a button where Eliza's Sekhmet button and Beowulf's Hype button are that removes her head, and when it's off the head can randomly attack or you can equip special moves that make her head do things like the nom nom nom move.

And if you want the head back you can just press the head button again.

That's just how I always thought it would work out.
That is actually a very good idea, why don't you suggest this to the developers.