In case of characters such as Immoral Fiber Double or Dread Locks Filia, the hit that causes the knockout of these characters can cause the attacker to die together. What happens if both of these characters are the last one for both of the team?
Yeah, not sure about Dread Locks, but Immoral Fiber always trades in your favor: you win if your SA kills the last foe, and you win if you kill the enemy Immoral Fiber first, regardless of your surviving the SA.
I believe it favors the player in all situations. So a double KO when Immoral is on your side of the team will result in your win and one when Immoral is on the opponents will also result in your win. I think the same holds for Dread Locks?
One time I was playing dread locks against parasite weave and she killed me, but she also got killed. I won the match, so I think things like this usually work in the player’s favor. According to my experience with peacock, if Lonesome Lenny kills both the player and the AI, it also works in the player’s favor.