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What is cripple even?


New Member
Jun 29, 2017
Reaction score
What does it mean to 'cripple' someone?
Wulfsbane and headstrong both have abilities that inflict cripple onto an opponent and they're considered some of the best cards in game?
I thought 'cripple' means to keep people from gaining positive abilities? but how does that make them strong?

I have both cards and I don't know if I should invest the time into leveling them up since i dont really know what 'cripple' does.
It reduces their atk by 25%. Think if it as a negative Enrage.

Wulfsbane and Headstrong are really powerful and they're definitely worth upgrading. The cripple helps a bit with their survivability, but the reason they're so good is because of the offensive part of their SA. Wulfsbane gets 50% bonus damage when the opponent is suffering from a negative status, and Headstrong inflicts armor break which is one of the most powerful status ailments since it reduces defense
What is Headstrong? Is it his throw?
It reduces their atk by 25%. Think if it as a negative Enrage.

Wulfsbane and Headstrong are really powerful and they're definitely worth upgrading. The cripple helps a bit with their survivability, but the reason they're so good is because of the offensive part of their SA. Wulfsbane gets 50% bonus damage when the opponent is suffering from a negative status, and Headstrong inflicts armor break which is one of the most powerful status ailments since it reduces defense

thanks. that really helped.

What is Headstrong? Is it his throw?
Headstrong is the other bronze cerebella