• [2018/06/22]
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What's my goal? Prize fight averages

This time I was so certain I would get it since I scored 10,000,000 but I still got in the 11-x%. WHAT HAPPENED?
Maybe you haven't noticed that the last reply to this topic was one year ago, those data are not updates, right now you need around 17 millions.
I don’t know why, but for the past year and a half, I got a gold for every character except Beowulf. This time I was so certain I would get it since I scored 10,000,000 but I still got in the 11-x%. WHAT HAPPENED? Oh god it’s probably because of the amount of people with diamonds, dam it.

I think it's a combination of that (because Diamonds do make it easier to rack up points) and the fact that the Diamond Shard Relic was introduced. Now getting gold characters is the best way to get natural diamonds too.