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Wouldn't Character Assists be RAD?


Oh Sai
Hidden Variable Dev
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
A staple of team fighters like Skullgirls and Marvel vs Capcom is the ability to tag in your partners as assists. They pop into the stage, do a special move and then jump back out again. This isn't in Skullgirls Mobile, but whatever.

The way you equip specials in SGM offers a unique possibility in how you could summon assists though. Assists could be unlocked just like regular special moves and blockbusters, then you attach them to a slot. Assists would then function exactly like a Special. Tap it an Valentine or whoever will pop into the screen.

OR you could take this further! Why limit yourself to just full characters already in the game?!

Umbrella Assist Screenshot Resize.PNG

I mocked this up for kicks. Sure, characters like Talisen, Panzerfaust and Yu-Wan are probably not going to become playable characters anytime soon... but what if they were made as single attack Assist specials?

Who would you like to see appear as an assist? What would you have them do?

(This isn't a request to the devs to implement something like this. I just thought it was a fun idea. :) )
Annie assisting Beowulf, or Big Band and Peacock. I think this is great way to implement the supporting characters of the Skullgirls universe.
Would be a great idea! I have said this somewhere before in hard launch upd notes some time ago. Would be a great way to make more combos!
What a SPECTACULAR idea!

Would definitely love to see some interesting and colourful characters pop up via assists...!

It will definitely change up gameplay and make things more interesting!

Though I don't know about computer AI and how they will use (or should i say, abuse) it.
I think to call in assists there will be a button next to their avatars. Saying <(Assist!)
I'd love if there were ways to bring in your team as temporary assists, too, but making them unique specials would be fine too, to give us more options to combo.

  • They're specials that run on the same cooldown as character assists
  • You an swipe a character button instead of tapping it to make them perform an assist attack without switching out the character you're currently controlling
  • They're just specials/blockbusters that let you act as they do their thing