• [2018/06/22]
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Your catalyst/modifiers ideas w/ a contest I guess.

Only gonna do six as to not clog up this newly born post.

Puffed up
“After BURSTING an oncoming enemy, gain 1 stack of enrage. All enrage is removed if the enemy bursts you”

Pretty simple, I thought of what might correlate to puffing up, and this I thought of the burst. More of a modifier than a catalyst, but it would be a Medichi prizefight modifier, too situational to be a regular prizefight.

Regenerating limbs

“[Ms.Fortune fighters] after 20 seconds headless, instantly regain 50% health after reconnecting head”

regenerating limbs? Gotta be fortune.

Green with envy

“Gain miasma for 10 seconds every time the opponent gains a buff, excluding miasma. At 3 or more miasma stacks, gain heavy regen”.

Green is a great color and I think those are the only two buffs with green in the game.


“All fighters gain suffer immobilize and an armor stack for 5 seconds every 15 seconds. Armor is removed when hit. At five armor stacks gain immunity for 30 seconds”.

Just thought about freezing and how to remedy it, I like what i came up with.

Hypnotic gaze

“If the fighter is on the field for 20 seconds, inflict permant immobilize and heavy bleed on the opponent. Both effects are removed when the opponent tags out, does not apply to last fighter”

hypnotism can be scary!

eternal joy

“When near a dead fighter, gain permanent final stand”.

Simple and to the point

I like your ideas and I hope to see you come up with some modifiers too. See ya!