• [2018/06/22]
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New profile posts

I don’t know why, but I got promoted to “Well-known member”. (am I really “well-known”?) To celebrate this, I updated my banner again. This is a cheap banner edited with free software, but I think I did a good job!!
I bought Hex Caliber from shard exchange!!!✨I've wanted it for a long time, so it was worth the effort to save up shards!
Personally I think it's better to have one diamond you want than five random diamonds.
Buenas , uds me podrían ayudar a recuperar la cuenta con el ID 0gk3-g75mm , esa cuenta la perdí a base que se me robaron el celular , y todo lo perdi
Yeeeees I got Reimaged from Prize Diamond Relic!!! This is my second exclusive diamond, after Ogre.
However, her current performance is not so impressive as an exclusive diamond, I'm really hoping she gets adjusted (and maybe my suggestion is taken into consideration) in the next update!
Holaa una pregunta se puede cambiar el correo de la cuenta asociada me cambie a icloud y mi cuenta está asociada con Google me ayudan porfis 🩷
Hola buenas, me han reportodo en el chat sin motivo y me aparece

nombre: skillet23

ID: 1dsd-k01nc

Teléfono: remi note 10s
Wow, the number of my posts had exceeded 100 lol
To commemorate this, I have updated my banner. It is a collection of heart-pounding Valentine's Day (too early) themed pallets that I made!
trying to keep my tank variant of flytrap, it's really good and destroys teams like a stick of butter

and here's my team in rift battles

que le hicieron que a caballeirosa-
La hicieron menos descerebrada para jugar, ahora sí hay que ser hábil con ella.
Bountiful Harvest:
When defeating an opponent with a SINGLE HIT deals at least 20/18/15% health, gain 2 stacks of MIASMA for 20 seconds and inflict FATIGUE, CRIPPLE and HEAL BLOCK for 15 seconds to the next opponent.
Heart of Darkness:
When defeating an opponent suffering from a DEBUFF, gain 3 stacks of MIASMA and inflict 3 random DEBUFFS on the next opponent for 10/15/20 seconds each.