• [2018/06/22]
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New profile posts

I enabled chat feature after almost a year and it's looking really good now with all the profile picture and other thingy
Thanks to everyone who has friended me on Skullgirls Mobile.
I've been low on friends for so long that I've exceeded my gift limit of 50. I won't be able to send gifts every day from now on, but I'll send more as they accumulate.
Sale of limited avatars. I welcome this attempt, but it is difficult to buy them all and have them all. However, if there is an avatar of a character I like, I would buy it.
I'm glad to see Queen Nancy in the official Skullgirls youtube short video uploaded today. She is my favorite character. I would love to have a limited avatar someday.
Am really anxious and mistakenly deleted my super moves what can I do ,to acquire them back ,I think the developers should work on that .
They already have! Mark your good moves as favorite by tapping hearth icon when you viewing move stats and they'll protected against being sold mistakenly.
Thanks for the 6.0 Update. Glad to see improvements in backstage passes! I enjoy this content, but I don't do well with actions, so I'm glad that I can now choose the skip feature. I am very excited about the new Parasoul that will be implemented in November. I would love to have it! 😊
Hola, no pude responder tu comentario en mi publicación de restricción de respuestas por qué precisamente no me deja replicar nada, me dice que no se puede por spam.
I'm thankful for the revised modifiers for the Sept. PF that make it more of a recess and less of a detention. 👩‍🏫
TBH...I never really had an issue with the old modifiers...maybe I was used to being in detention :cool:
I have not yet finished the backstage pass and I am not that into SGM that much anymore but I'd be lying if I wasn't waiting for Dahlia or Umbrella's PF coming. I would kill for that. I have yet to fully upgrade a Nat Silver Umbrella and I'd like to do so quite soon.
I was able to clear all my backstage passes this month. This is the first time I have received a sparkling card with my favorite character. I am very happy.
Wait... Are you Brazillian?

Tem jogadores que no nível 5 ganham um painwheel de diamante (sei porque aconteceu com um amigo).

Eu estava quase no nível 64, sem nenhum diamante natural, e abri muitas relíquias sem sorte. Tanto que meu primeiro diamante foi uma evolução do Bioexorsista.