• [2018/06/22]
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Fights Air OK Blockbusters & Specials!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2018
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i love that they've figured out a way to include the air only blockbusters and specials by adding a launcher to the beginning of the attacks but what if those were also made possible during the air juggle? They would be soooo much more satisfying to watch due to being closer to their execution in the console game

At this moment there are blockbusters and specials that work in varying parts of the basic combo and falls (just not during the air juggle), so it'd be adding a new area where they can be performed. Those particular moves can be listed as air ok in the stats viewer. Just please don't make the air ok ones a new move altogether, bad idea.

Specific Examples:
Filia: launcher → air juggle → before the last hit do [air ok] Hairball → [air ok] Gregor Samson
Eliza: launcher → air juggle → anywhere after first hit do [air ok] Nekhbet Breaker
Painwheel: launcher → air juggle → literally anytime [air ok] Buer Thresher

I only suggested Air OK, but if the devs want to go for Air Only moves, too, GO FOR IT!!
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This is something I’ve wanted too, I want the mobile game to have more game mechanic depth like console, while still preserving the simplicity and accessibility of multitouch controls.
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This would be a nice addition but I believe this would be a daunting task to put into the game without breaking the simplicity of touch controls but hey if anyone could get it right it would be the Skullgrill team.
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the simplicity of the touch controls isn't affected because the only thing being changed/added is another area within the simple jab combo > launcher > air juggle > sweep where specials and blockbusters can be performed. and of course they all have the chance to whiff to some capacity if not timed correctly
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this. one of valentine's BB is you have to be close enough to preform launch or the BB fails. I always waned to do the launch myself.
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