Master difficulty and Challanges

  • [2018/06/22]
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New Member
Feb 8, 2021
Are these even worth doing?
I've gotten some of them but honestly they don't seem difficult and more like a joke. The amount you would need to invest into characters (or the ones that don't have a tier requirement dumb luck on having the right OP drop) just seems not worth it at all. Like its seems like alot of it isn't so much a challenge but just dumb luck. Did you get the right character drops to cheese it. Did the random opponent not be OP, did the AI spaz out.
These things are less of challenges and just luck.
Like I get it just max out moves and trees and all that and then just get a little lucky ... but for what? a relic that is probably a bronze? Some canopy coins that pale in comparison to the amount you spent to make that bronze max with max moves. Seems like its a waste of time and you should ignore them for prize fights and dailies.
Just ti be clear its not so much complaining that its hard I'm just not convinced the value in the content when you weigh up the effort to reward
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I have to admit I kind of sympathize with you here. Even though I'm getting into later gameplay, I don't even really touch the main story mode modes that require bronzes and silvers. I think it's just something extra for players who are bored or just want to complete the accolades? I have too many other things to invest in before I do a silver or gold just to complete one challenge.

Btw, some of them are truly difficult even if you have the right fighter. There is some skill involved for sure and some players are just rockstars at these things. I, sadly, am not lol
But I might give it another look sometime when I'm late game and have nothing better to do with my resource
Yeah, I enjoy the game as a whole. Prize Fights are pretty good and the dailies are alright. I don't mind grinding out levels to get things at cap but yeah the game really does have a huge saw spot when it comes to that and rift battles (oh boy to I hate them, but I think all the faults on that have been said and that needs a fix before anything else. Everytime I do one of those I consider leaving the game cos it seems like a waste of time, feels like you cannot even get your foot in the door)
rift battles (oh boy to I hate them, but I think all the faults on that have been said and that needs a fix before anything else. Everytime I do one of those I consider leaving the game cos it seems like a waste of time, feels like you cannot even get your foot in the door)
I love the new rift system.
It's so fast. And so rewarding.
well as a newbie all I seem to face are opponents that have the perfect gold for a node fully unlocked and the best catalysts. So its pretty much go in, lose 5 times and hope I can get some ok catalysts with the rift coins. Tho its hard to get motivated to do even the 5 battles cos its not much fun having almost 0 chance of winning any of them.
Granted it might bet better later on when you are all geared up but if the new player enters it for the first time and just gets theirs handed to them its not great for retention. If things arn't accommodating for newer players then they will stop playing and thats how a game dies.
People should be entering a rift and facing bronzes and yeah the first few are going to be easy and you are going to go up quick but if the alternative is starting in the middle and losing until you are at the right level and repeating that each reset no new player is going to be into that.
Just because only having to do 5 of them makes it fast doesn't make it good and compelling content. If it was good content they wouldn't of had to lower it to 5 in the first place.
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Learn to play the game first.

My work here is done.
You've learnt what I wanted you to.

Sorry for the rude language. Sometimes, it's just unavoidable.
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Learn to play the game first.
This has to be the least helpful thing anyone has written ever.
It hasn't helped in the slightest, Assumed that game mechanics aren't understood and ignored the fact that rift has a short coming for people starting rift.
It hasn't shown that the points made aren't valid or that I'm approaching it wrong.
Having completed almost all the master difficulty story mode I'd say I have "learnt the game" and I still point out that rift isn't good for new players to get into. The way it is designed atm is lose until you get enough rift points to have good catalysts and get top meta characters to even have a chance of winning.
I've seen clever people like @ZeoW complete 100% Match Challenges (and even made helpful videos on how to clear some tricky parts), but for me, doing the 500 Match Challenges accolade is enough, for now. It is a reachable goal!

Eventually I conquered 100% Master Story too. If you are having trouble on any nodes, there are threads full of info and plenty of people ready to offer advice.

To me, they are worth it. Doing 100% challenges is too much a chore ("spend the whole match casting debuffs!" - yawn), but clearing all difficulties in Story mode gave good rewards and XP.

As for the other topic this thread has mutated towards, I'll say Rift Battles are geared towards end-game Users. If you don't have a strong collection of fighters or catalysts (anything less than gold is a waste), you're gonna have a bad time. In the meantime, you could focus on Prize Fights and keep getting those 10% gold fighters to save up to make your star fighters into diamond. Keep an eye out for gold catalyst deals (like a 10 pack for 1000 theonite) to boost your defenses.
Thanks for the tips. I should probably gear up a few more bronzes to get them done then.
Yeah I guess its better to look that rift as end game. Might be better if its locked out until people are like lvl 70 or something. Just for me and the few friends I have playing Rift is a bit of a sore point.
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