• [2018/06/22]
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New Member
I've been playing for a bit over 4 months now and there's something i still cannot comprehend... What is up with that roman crown around some characters' mugshots?

WhatsApp Image 2022-03-30 at 1.54.16 PM.jpeg

I know is a power-up of sorts, but i really don't see any difference in battle, just looks badass when it's filled.
WhatsApp Image 2022-03-30 at 1.53.37 PM.jpeg

Other than a bit of speed for the character i don't think there is another kind of advantage to it, am i using it wrong? could someone explain it to me, please.
The laurel wreath indicates you have unlocked the Prestige Ability for your fighter, giving them a bit of extra Fighter Score and an extra ability they can use once per match by tapping the character portrait once the meter is full. Sairus has all the details in the 4.9 Update Notes.