• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Strange bug

veo woof

New Member
Apr 6, 2023
Reaction score
I was prize fights but then a something strange happenned
I even start recording the bug. I lose because i couldn't use any of my fighters . So here is the video
I can't upload the video because it's too large SO idk how i can prove the bug
If you can't post a video here you can always try uploading it to YouTube as an 'unpublished' video and then link it here.

Also, you can just describe what exactly you saw.

If you can't post a video here you can always try uploading it to YouTube as an 'unpublished' video and then link it here.

Also, you can just describe what exactly you saw.
I just send the link of the video here.
Did the fight load like this? I've seen this before and I believe it's pretty rare.

What device are you playing on?
Yes but after the timer was over, the game became normal.The bug only happened that day and the game is now normal.
And my device is a Xiaomi
Did the fight load like this? I've seen this before and I believe it's pretty rare.

What device are you playing on?
I already answer the questions but i forgot replied you xd. Si the answers are up