The Night of The Ghoul...

  • [2018/06/22]
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Which do you like to use the most?

  • Bio-Exorcist

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Love Crafted

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Poltergust

    Votes: 9 29.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Jul 24, 2018
Introducing Squigly:
To play Squigly requires you to find openings for attack. Instead of falling back on her base stats, Squigly players have to use the character ability and signature abilities to take advantage of openings to opponents leave and be precise with timing in order to maximize Squigly's potential. She's tied with Cerebella and Eliza for second highest health stats, second only to Big Band. However, her attack is somewhat abysmal, making mastering her playstyle even more important. Her SAs generally use effects that are lethal if activated at the right time, forcing the player to watch for things such as combo count, meter state, red life, etc. Her effectiveness is greatly diminished if these abilities are used at the wrong time.

Character Ability: Wrym's Tail
Holding down the Wrym's Tail button will store up to 2 dragon charges. Dragon charges are consumed to make certain attacks more powerful!

1. Love Crafted
Rarity: Diamond
Element: Dark
Level 60 ATK: 11,847
Level 60 HP: 72k
Level 60 FS: 24.4k
SA: Ten Tickles
- While nearby an opponent, disable blockbusters and inflict heal block after 1 second(s)
- Every 10th combo hit will land as a critical hit, and will inflict death mark and heavy bleed for 15 seconds

Love Crafted is a fighter that is very much capable of both being a strong attacker and a powerful defender. She's somewhat of a "Jack of all trades", but does need to get Wrym Charges as often as possible. Her complexity varies wildly based on how the player chooses to use her. She could be used to keep the opponent in lockdown by going for long combos to stay close to them. Or you could defend with her while also dealing damage from a safe position by charging up 2 Wrym's Charges and using them to push the opponent to the opposite side of the screen. You'll land enough hits to have triggered her SA2 and you'll have defended. She is powerful against almost every fighter, but she performs particularly well against fighters who like to abuse BBs, Assassin's Greed, and Stand Out. However she has a few weaknesses, her own complexity being one of them. She is a fighter who requires constant adaptation, forcing the player to change attack methods halfway into the fight so they can maximize their effectiveness with her. This makes her very tricky for new or inexperienced players to use. She is also weak to fighters with easy access to hex, Hack N' Splash and Summer Salt. Hack N' Splash can launch a powerful counter attack if you go overly offensive while Summer Salt's SA isn't affected by Love Crafted. The second she starts to accumulate tears, she'll buff herself, remove any debuffs AND deal bonus damage to you. Once again, Rainbow Blight isn't a good matchup. Regardless, Love Crafted is a very powerful fighter who the player can use however they choose and relies less on Wrym Charges than Bio-Exorcist, making her the superior offensive option. Her high health makes mistakes tolerable, so feel free to experiment with how you play her. Ideal stats: atk %, hp % and def.

2. Bio-Exorcist

Rarity: Gold
Element: Dark
Level 60 ATK: 8,852
Level 60 HP: 68.6k
Level 60 FS: 20.7k
SA: Existential Decay
- While charged and not blocking, drain 2% of a nearby opponent's health per second
- While charged, drain 25% health from each living teammate when suffering a hit that would be fatal

After long thinking, I've decided that Bio is no longer THE strongest fighter, but she's still very strong, as she has high health and a SA which both increases her survivability AND helps her deal with fighters several times stronger than her. In the game, to drain is to remove and take something for yourself, making her SA1 act as a pseudo heavy bleed/heavy regen. However, she is a character that relies heavily on long combos to perform. For new players or players who are not good with long combos, you should probably pick someone else, since Bio relies on it in order to maximize her damage output. Her SA2 should only be reserved as a last resort to keep herself alive because it drains from your teammates, making her someone who isn't really a team player. It lets her survive most BB3s because the last hit is what kills the player. However, Big Band's Strike Up The Band and Parasoul's Inferno Brigade could kill the fighter on any hit, rendering her SA2 less valuable. She is powerful against tanky fighters or Painwheels with the Tainted Blood MA since her hp drain keeps her on her feet longer than other Squiglies. She does well against Dread Locks too since the hp drain can deal with the recoil damage very well. However, she is weak to fighters with easy access to hex or heavy regen effects. Hex straight up prevents her SA while the heavy regen can temporarily negate the damage since Bio's drain acts a pseudo heavy bleed, though she will still heal herself. Rainbow Blight is a particularly awful matchup because when she transmuting to light, she inflicts hex AND gains a damage boost, though Bio will also gain the same boost. Bio has now been overtaken by Love Crafted for offensive use because she relies too much on Wrym Charges to work, which, once you get past 40 wins, even that will not save her from time outs. Ideal stats: Hp %, def%, atk% and meter gain.

3. Poltergust
Rarity: Gold
Element: Wind
Level 60 ATK: 10,157
Level 60 HP: 61.8k
Level 60 FS: 20.9k
SA: Ectoplasm
- Blockbusters deal 100% bonus damage to opponents with a fully charged blockbuster
- When a buff on Squigly or the opponent expires, gain 25% meter for all blockbusters

Poltergust is a fighter you must be careful with, as inflicting too many withers will affect her SA1, which in turn, affects her damage output. Battle Opera and Inferno of Leviathan are still good and you can use them, but if you do use them, then you have to watch how many withers you inflict with them. She pairs nicely with Surgeon General or Sketchy as support since one keeps her healthy and protects her from debuffs while the other lets her gain meter even faster and also protects her from debuffs. They also help to trigger her SA2 and give her meter quicker. Moves with incredible damage such as Rage of the Dragon, Inferno of Leviathan, and Drag N' Drop are ideal to take advantage of her SA1. She is powerful against fighters who rely on buffs such as Primed, Untouchable, Rainbow Blight and, ironically, Surgeon General and Sketchy (she also pairs nicely with them). The opposite also holds true. She's not as strong against fighters who do not rely on buffs such as Immoral Fiber, Wulfsbane and Dread Locks, though she does still have meter control going for her. A particularly unfavorable matchup is Brain Freeze. She doesn't rely on buffs AND her SA will eventually cause her to take no damage from the combo-oriented Poltergust. Poltergust is a powerful fighter, but one that requires observation to master. Ideal stats: atk %, meter gain, def and hp %.

4. Dead of Winter
Rarity: Gold
Element: Water
Level 60 ATK: 7,527
Level 60 HP: 75.5k
Level 60 FS: 20.5k
SA: Wightout
- Resurrect with 25% health and 5 stacks of armor after being dead for 30 seconds. A stack of armor is removed after every hit suffered
- Deal 100% bonus damage while benefitting from armor

On paper, Dead of Winter sounds like a mediocre defensive variant. She loses the armor with every hit inflicted on her, rendering it worthless. However, she can revive an infinite amount of times (in theory. As long as there's still time on the clock she will continue to revive), making it easy for the opponent to time out, even more so if DoW is given the Dead Alive marquee. If do you use her on offense, then be ready to wait for 30 seconds to gain a substantial damage boost. Seeing as this is offense, not defense, she loses much of the strength she has on defense, which will be discussed another day. If you decide to let her die for her attack boost and can stall long enough for her self-revive, then I guess she'll be alright. Ideal stats: def, hp %, meter gain and atk %.

5. Dead Heat
Rarity: Silver
Element: Fire
Level 60 ATK: 8,717
Level 60 HP: 52.9k
Level 60 FS: 17.9k
SA: Immolation
- Blockbusters and special moves become unblockable while below 25% health
- If your opponent has a fully charged blockbuster and you do not, gain 3% blockbuster meter per second

Even on paper, Dead Heat seems kinda bad. Though I get the feeling this tier list probably makes her seem worse than she actually is. Her SA is mostly unreliable and is meant to be fallen back on as a last resort. Her SA1 is unreliable because it forces the player to fall into critical health territory. And we all know everything goes wrong when you fall into critical territory. Her SA only works when the opponent gains meter faster than you (either by having a better meter gain stat or by being Toad Warrior). Which means they'll probably have a BB3 charged up before you and take you out while in critical health territory. In other words, Dead Heat forces you to take the risk of getting yourself killed. But if it does work out for you, then enjoy spamming BBs that WILL hit your opponent. This one also requires you to be careful with how many wither(s) you inflict in order to take advantage of her SA2. She's not particularly strong against anyone and is weak to fighters who can control meter such as No Egrets, Claw and Order, and Pyro-Technique. Fighters that can inflict hex also cause issues for her. Fighters that can take her out before she has a chance to do much while in critical health territory also cause her problems. Overall, she is a fighter who requires a lot of investment and a lot of observing in order to be useful. Ideal stats: atk %, hp % and def.

6. Nearly Departed
Rarity: Silver
Element: Light
Level 60 ATK: 7,604
Level 60 HP: 58.8k
Level 60 FS: 17.8k
SA: Abracadaver
- When using a blockbuster with an odd combo count, gain invincible for 8 seconds
- Also resurrect teammates with 25% health, if Squigly is below 50% health

A common trend that seems to be occurring here is that once you get below Dead Heat, Squigly's pretty bad for offense. Nearly Departed sort of proves this. Her attack is abysmal and her SA doesn't really help that. She's somewhat hard to use because her SA1 is tricky to keep track of, especially when Squigly is a fighter reliant on multi-hit moves and long combo chains to perform well. But an easy way to consistently gain it is to just do L5 then whatever BB you want. You will consistently gain invincible and she performs decently against fighters with recoil damage such as Dread Locks or fighters who inflict bleeds such as Bloodbath. She does particularly well against Immoral Fiber because her invincibility can keep her safe from Immoral's death damage. She can be decent if you want to solo carry and use her to revive your carry if things go South for the winter. But outside of that, she doesn't do much. She's better suited for defense. Prior to her rework, she probably would've been the 2nd worst Squigly because she previously had to be in critical health territory to revive her teammates. She's not particularly strong against anyone and requires lots of observation for any real success. Ideal stats: def, hp %, meter gain, and atk %.

7. Stage Fright
Rarity: Bronze
Element: Dark
Level 60 ATK: 6,490
Level 60 HP: 50.3k
Level 60 FS: 15.2k
SA: Memento Mori
- When the opponent's health drops below 25% health, they will be afflicted with curse and hex for 15 seconds
- Inflict a 20 second doom when defeated with a blockbuster

Currently, Stage Fright and Xenomorph are the only two fighters that can inflict a doom on their opponents. However, Stage Fright is the far weaker of the two. Yes, she is a lot more accessible than Xenomorph, but this access comes with loads of drawbacks. Her attack is mediocre, her health is only decent at best and her SA is very situational. Her SA1 requires the opponent to be in critical health territory. Her attack is absolutely horrendous, making this nearly impossible. And even if it does happen, because the opponent has to be in critical health territory, they'll tag out within at mist, 3 seconds of being inflicted with the debuffs. Her SA2 forces her to die to inflict doom, making it mediocre by default. If you do plan on using her SA2 to do something, then don't let her be your main attack force. Instead, have her benched and when the opponent is ready to use a blockbuster (unless your tag-ins are disabled), tag in Stage Fright to take the heat and inflict the doom. Even still, this isn't exactly reliable because unless you bring a character who revives, you can only do this once. Overall, she's a fighter who performs poorly as you get further and further into the game, but performs well early on. If you're gonna use her, then the ideal stats are: atk %, hp% and def.

8. Necrobreaker
Rarity: Silver
Element: Light
Level 60 ATK: 6,471
Level 60 HP: 64.7k
Level 60 FS: 17.6k
SA: Magic Pixel
- Once per match when suffering a hit that would be fatal, gain final stand for 15 seconds
- Gain 7% health per second while charging Wrym's Tail

Now we're entering absolute horror range. And not horror as in their good. Horror as in they're just SO bad for offense. Necrobreaker has the second lowest attack in the game, tied with Resonant Evil and Graveyard Shift. That already makes her abysmal for offense. Her SA doesn't really help with that. I suppose it can help if you mess up and get hit. The final stand will keep you alive while you can bring your health back up by charging Wrym's Tail. Even still, you'll only be regaining health for like, 4 seconds, making it not too worthwhile. To make matters worse for her, she's the rarest fighter in the entire game, being available ONLY for those who went to official SGM events that were held or from the top 1-10 in the Halloween pf a while back. In other words, only a very small group of people actually have her. For how rare she is though, I suppose one wouldn't be missing out on much. I don't have much else to say, so i'll leave you with her ideal stats: hp %, def, meter gain and atk %.

9. Scared Stiff

Rarity: Bronze
Element: Light
Level 60 ATK: 6,048
Level 60 HP: 61k
Level 60 FS: 16.6k
SA: Rigor Mortis
- Gain unflinching for 10 seconds every 30 seconds
- Cannot suffer more than 10% of your max health from a single hit

As of now, Scared Stiff holds the title of THE worst attack stat in the game. You already know you're gonna be awful for offense when you hold a title like that. Scared Stiff's SA doesn't help her at all for offense. On defense, she can be quite powerful I suppose. But this is offense, not defense. Other than the part with abysmal attack, I don't really have anything else to say about her, so again, I'll leave you with her ideal stats: hp %, def, and atk %.

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Useful information ( ^_^)b I only have Dead Heat and Dead of Winter atm unfortunately but even they I have tons of fun and success with- I can't wait till the day I get a Bio or Lovecrafted though. Bio especially, she seems perfect for me.
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Hunting for bio for half a year already...

So Polter is the one I like the most because no Bio or Love Crafted. Then again, Polter SA makes her a kinda wrong type of Squigg which is refreshing.

Some remarks.

1. Polter isn't really weak against non-buff fighters. She has meter control and awesome damage, so lol who cares about wulfsbane. She starts having some problems with maxed def and HP diamond brick walls double her FS. The only real annoyance is Brain Freeze, especially with SG support, since buff to meter conversion does nothing to help with BF. The worst part is Rage Of The Dragon, otherwise awesome on Polter, always does zero damage to BF due to her SA quirks. Also particularly tasty food for Polter is Grudge PWs. Since Rage consumes meter slightly before starting to actually deal damage, you can time it right so that you activate Rage - it consumes meter - all the armour stacks expire - you get back all the meter - Rage hits - second one is already charged. So you can activate 2 BB3s back to back. Same works in games where both teams have SG support. 4 buffs expiring are enough to fully charge all the BBs, so with 2 SGs it can be 2 Rages back to back if you activate first one just before the buffs expire.

2. Dead Heat can make some use of SA2 in normal play. It's useful to charge your slowest charging blockbuster if your routine regularly leaves you with all BBs cold. Also it's active even if the enemy is dead but had a charged BB before dying. So you can, for example, kill an enemy with DnD and throw out Inferno and SBO to keep their body in and your BBs uncharged, then all 3 BBs will be charging while the body is juggling, since wither doesn't drain meter from the dead. Then when the next one tags in, you'll have some meter, and it's pretty much guaranteed that they'll have a charged BB during your combo sequence before you, further helping you to regain meter for your heavier BBs. Unfortunately her SA2 is not enough to make a big difference (like allowing to forgo a ground extender entirely), so usefulness is rather moot. It probably could have a use in charging BB3, but I feel like Rage is only really good on Polter, because Squig has too many good moves for too few move slots, and most Squigs would benefit from other moves more than from an occasional Rage. I got rid of Rage on Dead Heat and not regretting it the least. Then again, due to RNG my DH is crit based which is bad for Daisy and Rage, so I might be biased here.

3. Stage Fright has some niche use. Specifically, she's good versus revival/last stand fighters. You know, like Big Top. With Squig long combos it's entirely possible to get people from where they aren't tagging out yet to where they're already dead, and if the person in question is Big Top or Last Hope, due to Stage Fright SA they're going to stay dead. Also should work against GI.

4. Scared Stiff can work as BB sponge against low hit count BB3s. She easily survives bella's Ultimate Showstopper, Filia's Blowout, Beo's TWM, Val's Dead On Arrival and kitty's Fifth Of Dismember. In other words she's near useless.
About nearly departed... I think you are underrating her a lot. Thoguh the odd count proc seems complex, it is actually not that difficult to proc it if you remember the a simple guaranteed way to proc it: the best way to proc her invincibility is just G5(adding dash attack is irrelevant)->blockbuster because full ground combo always ends with odd combo count
Yes, but which blockbuster? L5->SBO does not work except in a corner. L5->Inferno kind of works if you are willing to waste half the inferno hits. L5->DnD has bad followup (into inferno, SBO, but good luck grounding the opponent to do the ground combo part, so you are left meterless). L5->Daisy ends the chain, so invul versus reactive damage/bleed goes to waste. Not to mention you have to somehow charge BB2 first.

Also her second SA seems okayish on paper, but in practice it most likely means timeout, since setting up the resurrection without getting killed in the process in games where resurrection is relevant takes too much time.


Though if you think about it L5->SC->L5->DnB->L5 is odd number of hits. 7+1+7+7+7=29. This allows to combo into DnD.

To combo into SBO off a juggle you need the launcher to be on odd combo count (so have even combo count before launcher). It's possible only if you don't fully execute L5 (either go for only first 2 hits, or don't do the last hit and go for the launcher instead)
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About nearly departed... I think you are underrating her a lot. Thoguh the odd count proc seems complex, it is actually not that difficult to proc it if you remember the a simple guaranteed way to proc it: the best way to proc her invincibility is just G5(adding dash attack is irrelevant)->blockbuster because full ground combo always ends with odd combo count.

Aside of whether its complex or not, invincibility is good for dealing with enemies that can deals damage when they are being attacked like dreadlock, marquee painwheels, freyed end, twisted mettle, bloodbath(if you use blockbuster) and immoral fiber(when it dies). This can be very helpful when dealing with things like dreadlock or bleed node in rift battle while maintaining high health.

Nearly Departed's a fighter that I'm a little biased against. I've tried to make her work, but honestly, she's never once done anything meaningful. Yes I suppose the invincibility keeps her alive a little longer against fighters like Dread Locks, Tainted Blood Painwheels, Frayed Ends and Twisted Mettle. But its not like she's doing much damage, so she'll end up taking a lot of damage anyway.
Hunting for bio for half a year already...

So Polter is the one I like the most because no Bio or Love Crafted. Then again, Polter SA makes her a kinda wrong type of Squigg which is refreshing.

Some remarks.

1. Polter isn't really weak against non-buff fighters. She has meter control and awesome damage, so lol who cares about wulfsbane. She starts having some problems with maxed def and HP diamond brick walls double her FS. The only real annoyance is Brain Freeze, especially with SG support, since buff to meter conversion does nothing to help with BF. The worst part is Rage Of The Dragon, otherwise awesome on Polter, always does zero damage to BF due to her SA quirks. Also particularly tasty food for Polter is Grudge PWs. Since Rage consumes meter slightly before starting to actually deal damage, you can time it right so that you activate Rage - it consumes meter - all the armour stacks expire - you get back all the meter - Rage hits - second one is already charged. So you can activate 2 BB3s back to back. Same works in games where both teams have SG support. 4 buffs expiring are enough to fully charge all the BBs, so with 2 SGs it can be 2 Rages back to back if you activate first one just before the buffs expire.

2. Dead Heat can make some use of SA2 in normal play. It's useful to charge your slowest charging blockbuster if your routine regularly leaves you with all BBs cold. Also it's active even if the enemy is dead but had a charged BB before dying. So you can, for example, kill an enemy with DnD and throw out Inferno and SBO to keep their body in and your BBs uncharged, then all 3 BBs will be charging while the body is juggling, since wither doesn't drain meter from the dead. Then when the next one tags in, you'll have some meter, and it's pretty much guaranteed that they'll have a charged BB during your combo sequence before you, further helping you to regain meter for your heavier BBs. Unfortunately her SA2 is not enough to make a big difference (like allowing to forgo a ground extender entirely), so usefulness is rather moot. It probably could have a use in charging BB3, but I feel like Rage is only really good on Polter, because Squig has too many good moves for too few move slots, and most Squigs would benefit from other moves more than from an occasional Rage. I got rid of Rage on Dead Heat and not regretting it the least. Then again, due to RNG my DH is crit based which is bad for Daisy and Rage, so I might be biased here.

3. Stage Fright has some niche use. Specifically, she's good versus revival/last stand fighters. You know, like Big Top. With Squig long combos it's entirely possible to get people from where they aren't tagging out yet to where they're already dead, and if the person in question is Big Top or Last Hope, due to Stage Fright SA they're going to stay dead. Also should work against GI.

4. Scared Stiff can work as BB sponge against low hit count BB3s. She easily survives bella's Ultimate Showstopper, Filia's Blowout, Beo's TWM, Val's Dead On Arrival and kitty's Fifth Of Dismember. In other words she's near useless.

1. I said she was weak against non-buff fighters? I coulda sworn I said she wasn't as strong against them.

2. I did mention that I'm probably making her sound worse than she actually is. But yea, her SA2 doesn't make much of a difference to her performance. I'd agree that RoTD is really only useful on Poltergust.

3. I am aware that Stage Fright does have niche use. But honestly, her attack is just SO bad that I don't see how she could bring anyone other than Painwheel or Double below the 25% health threshold, especially a Big Top or Last Hope considering that from my experiences, they always have high defense, making things worse for her.

4. I suppose that's true. Though that works out better for her on offense than defense
2. I did mention that I'm probably making her sound worse than she actually is. But yea, her SA2 doesn't make much of a difference to her performance. I'd agree that RoTD is really only useful on Poltergust.
I actually sometimes manage to forgo a single ground extender (out of two) to fully charge BB2 using her SA2, but it's not really a thing that truly matters, since what would really be nice is if you could do with just L5 to deal with reactive unflinching proc characters (so Untouchable tags in and you gain enough meter to DnD her off a single ground combo), but sadly that does not seem to be possible. All in all you can think of her as a vanilla Squig with no SA, but decent attack stat compared to other variants and a bit more comfortable with meter. Just once in a blue moon she accidentally kills blocking people with inferno.
3. I am aware that Stage Fright does have niche use. But honestly, her attack is just SO bad that I don't see how she could bring anyone other than Painwheel or Double below the 25% health threshold, especially a Big Top or Last Hope considering that from my experiences, they always have high defense, making things worse for her.
Well, consider that you lose about a quarter in ATK compared to, say, Dead Heat, but the enemy loses about a third of their HP (even more considering LH also loses her Heavy Regen, Big Top loses her buffs), so compared to Dead Heat it's a net gain against those fighters (plus elemental advantage). Idunno, I don't have enough fodder yet to gold her (and she goes after Departed anyway), but in silver PFs she works wonders versus triple Big Top teams. It's even better if you consider Last Stand.
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I don't have enough fodder yet to gold her (and she goes after Departed anyway), but in silver PFs she works wonders versus triple Big Top teams. It's even better if you consider Last Stand.

You're using her in silver pfs? I guess that explains a lot
First of... though her damage may seem abysmal on paper, she is still a squigly which means she hits a lot for each combo compared to others. Though she takes an extra full combo to kill enemies, you should be procing your invincibility each time you combo if you are playing her right. The only time you should be getting damage is when you are using grab to push enemy towards wall, the first ground combo of your combo, and the leftover bleed when your invincibility expires. Also, she is good at dealing immoral fiber during rift battle.

Regardless of Nearly departed having a use or not, I don’t have objections on her rank. She is not that good to compete with anything above her but she does has some use. The only thing that i am concerned is the fact that detailed description of why nearly departed is in 6th place a bit too biased just like you said.

You know, the points you're mentioning are pretty good. She may not be good for competing with someone above her, but she can face against lots of damage thanks to her proccing invincible basically every other combo. I'll eventually get around to making it less biased
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How do you call that nomenclature?! I saw long ago a post about it to understand it but lost it without reading the title and I couldn´t find it again! thanks in advance!

L5 is just the full ground combo
SC is The Silver Chord
DnB is Drag N' Bite

Hope that cleared things up if you were confused with something :)
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L5 is just the full ground combo
SC is The Silver Chord
DnB is Drag N' Bite

Hope that cleared things up if you were confused with something :)

Yes!!, it helps like a LOT!!.... but is there a list of all those abbreviations? I see list of chars combos and I just can´t use them cause I don´t know how to read them... :´D

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Yes!!, it helps like a LOT!!.... but is there a list of all those abbreviations? I see list of chars combos and I just can´t use them cause I don´t know how to read them... :´D

this list doesn’t have every acronym, but there’s a few if you just want to have some basic understanding. i could’ve sworn there was another thread with more, but i can’t find it at the moment.
this list doesn’t have every acronym, but there’s a few if you just want to have some basic understanding. i could’ve sworn there was another thread with more, but i can’t find it at the moment.

Thanks!! I REALLY apreciate the help!
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