• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Napalm Trigger not triggering?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
New England
iPhone 6s
Game version 2.6.1
iOS 12.0

So on my Primed Parasoul, I've noticed an issue that pops up intermittently. Let's say I have 5+ tears on the field. I use the move Napalm Trigger (not the charge attack, the actual Special Move). Sometimes the opponent--no matter what character--does not get 5 stacks of Bleed. They'll get 2 or 3 instead. Another time I had 2 or 3 tears on the field, used the move, and the opponent didn't get any stacks of Bleed. I was under the impression that, when detonating a tear, any ability dependent on tear detonation applies to the opponent, even if some tears don't make direct contact? I've never experienced this issue when using the charge attack version of detonation, no matter how spread out the tears are on the stage.
We'll investigate and see if we can reproduce it!

This may have actually been related to the hidden BLEED issue that we fixed in 2.7 that was listed in the update notes. We're still going to try and reproduce this, but if you could confirm this bug is still present in the latest update, that would be very helpful.

This may have actually been related to the hidden BLEED issue that we fixed in 2.7 that was listed in the update notes. We're still going to try and reproduce this, but if you could confirm this bug is still present in the latest update, that would be very helpful.
If I notice it again in 2.7, I'll let you know. It was intermittent before. I haven't been able to reproduce it when purposefully trying in Training mode. I could have also been that some tears were disappearing just as I was detonating, for all I know.
If I notice it again in 2.7, I'll let you know. It was intermittent before. I haven't been able to reproduce it when purposefully trying in Training mode. I could have also been that some tears were disappearing just as I was detonating, for all I know.
One thing to note is that tears don't detonate mid travel to their destination.

If you do Napalm Shower, and then QUEUE Napalm Trigger, not all of the tears will detonate because they haven't "arrived" at their destination. This will not apply the expected amount of bleed stacks, but you should be able to notice that the tears were left over. If it was something else, then that's what we'll check out.
One thing to note is that tears don't detonate mid travel to their destination.

If you do Napalm Shower, and then QUEUE Napalm Trigger, not all of the tears will detonate because they haven't "arrived" at their destination. This will not apply the expected amount of bleed stacks, but you should be able to notice that the tears were left over. If it was something else, then that's what we'll check out.
Thanks for that bit of info. Thinking back on when I originally posted it as an issue, this wasn't the case, as I wasn't seeing leftover, undetonated tears; I was detonating 5+ tears and not getting 5 bleed stacks. I don't consider leftover tears an "issue", so to speak.
Maybe enemy just resists bleeds?

I was fighting Private Dick recently (builtin debuff resist), and he was consistently getting about half the bleeds from napalm trigger.
Maybe enemy just resists bleeds?

I was fighting Private Dick recently (builtin debuff resist), and he was consistently getting about half the bleeds from napalm trigger.
I don't think so. I usually notice the grey "RESIST" that pops up when a debuff gets block by an enemy's resistance; if I had seen RESIST pop up when using Napalm Trigger, I wouldn't have thought of it as an issue. I also noticed this occur against more than one character. I suppose it's possible, though.