• [2018/06/22]
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  • How much are you people over-grinding Prize Fights? 14 million, and it still doesn't clear 11-30% in the Filia PF!
    I got just over 15 mill and got in top 10%, so you were pretty close.
    Tom Kulczewski
    Tom Kulczewski
    88mil wasn't enough for top 10 lmao. Filia's pf is the easiest to grind, so it's to be expected. Everyone's busy farming their diamond fighters
    Since season's beat PF, i tried with 20 mil on gold.
    Shoot! The Ms. Fortune's PF ended an hour early. The missions are still on track, so maybe only the PF doesn't know about daylight savings?
    Gamma Ray
    Gamma Ray
    Yeah some of the timers don't adjust to DST. I dealt with it in March. Best advice is to assume these are the timers going forward until they have time to fix them. It's normally a low priority thing to adjust.
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