BallotBoxer Mar 15, 2020 A Diamond Prize Fight can't come soon enough. 20 million (and even during a special holiday PF) isn't enough to get 10% in Gold Filia!
A Diamond Prize Fight can't come soon enough. 20 million (and even during a special holiday PF) isn't enough to get 10% in Gold Filia!
BallotBoxer Feb 29, 2020 There should be a "10 attempts in a row = free win" for Rift Battle matchmaking. I'm up to 9!
BallotBoxer Feb 14, 2020 At the end of the 100m sprint is... Xenomorph Double XD Now I can mimic Cellsai's Oh Mai team and make a triple Xenomorph defense
At the end of the 100m sprint is... Xenomorph Double XD Now I can mimic Cellsai's Oh Mai team and make a triple Xenomorph defense
BallotBoxer Feb 3, 2020 After saving shards for 6.5 weeks, inside the diamond relic is... X-Bot Robo-Fortune!
BallotBoxer Jan 13, 2020 I always thought element-exclusive fighters were unobtainable, but what a surprise! Got Idol Threat Filia inside a Sunken Relic.
I always thought element-exclusive fighters were unobtainable, but what a surprise! Got Idol Threat Filia inside a Sunken Relic.
BallotBoxer Nov 7, 2019 Almost 2 years later, I'm in the level 70 club! It would be nice if the ceiling was raised to 99 though.
Almost 2 years later, I'm in the level 70 club! It would be nice if the ceiling was raised to 99 though.
BallotBoxer Oct 31, 2019 Anyone got an address? I want to send a "Get Well Soon" card to the sick servers
BallotBoxer Oct 17, 2019 At first, it was like "oh, those 3 new variants will be in the Halloween relic." Then a parade of amazing diamonds kept marching in... :^o
At first, it was like "oh, those 3 new variants will be in the Halloween relic." Then a parade of amazing diamonds kept marching in... :^o
BallotBoxer Sep 24, 2019 RNG is bullying me. All but one of 8 Back To School relics were Ivy League Parasouls. Guess what this month's Jackpot relic was!
RNG is bullying me. All but one of 8 Back To School relics were Ivy League Parasouls. Guess what this month's Jackpot relic was!
BallotBoxer Sep 2, 2019 For anyone troubled by ACOOO (not a sneeze, but A Class of One's Own) just equip an outtake. Cycle the enemy team 2 cure their invincibility
For anyone troubled by ACOOO (not a sneeze, but A Class of One's Own) just equip an outtake. Cycle the enemy team 2 cure their invincibility
BallotBoxer Aug 22, 2019 13 weeks of saving up for a diamond relic and it is a duplicate! Now I have 5 stacks of Disappointment status effect
13 weeks of saving up for a diamond relic and it is a duplicate! Now I have 5 stacks of Disappointment status effect
BallotBoxer Jul 25, 2019 Wow! The Robo-Fortune gold PF 10% threshold was 6.8 mil! I went 20 mil., totally underestimating how much ya'll appear to loathe that PF
Wow! The Robo-Fortune gold PF 10% threshold was 6.8 mil! I went 20 mil., totally underestimating how much ya'll appear to loathe that PF
BallotBoxer Jul 19, 2019 Climbed back up to G4 this week. Back to collecting the weekly pinch of diamond dust (thus earning nat. diamond fighters I can't afford lol)
Climbed back up to G4 this week. Back to collecting the weekly pinch of diamond dust (thus earning nat. diamond fighters I can't afford lol)
BallotBoxer Jun 25, 2019 To quote Castlevania: SotN, "Die spam. You don't belong in this world!" (it is flooding the forum again)
To quote Castlevania: SotN, "Die spam. You don't belong in this world!" (it is flooding the forum again)
BallotBoxer Jun 10, 2019 I've must have offended the RNG gods. Accursed Experiments treasure node keeps throwing bronze keys at me (5 weeks in a row).
I've must have offended the RNG gods. Accursed Experiments treasure node keeps throwing bronze keys at me (5 weeks in a row).
BallotBoxer May 30, 2019 Rift matchmaker: "You seem to be plummeting into Gold 4. Here are a bunch of Gold 1s rocketing into Diamond tiers to make you fall faster."
Rift matchmaker: "You seem to be plummeting into Gold 4. Here are a bunch of Gold 1s rocketing into Diamond tiers to make you fall faster."
BallotBoxer May 19, 2019 Strange: people with the most evil catalysts (Armor Rating, Darknut, Futile Resistance) are either merciful or forgetful (don't clear map)
Strange: people with the most evil catalysts (Armor Rating, Darknut, Futile Resistance) are either merciful or forgetful (don't clear map)
BallotBoxer May 14, 2019 Have you ever boosted a silver 0-40? A surprise Squigly has me rushing for a 5th gold to evolve my Poltergust. 2 days in and she's 29!
Have you ever boosted a silver 0-40? A surprise Squigly has me rushing for a 5th gold to evolve my Poltergust. 2 days in and she's 29!
BallotBoxer May 8, 2019 After 9 attempts, my level 39 Terror Byte Robo-Fortune finally beat the toughest daily node in the game! (the heavy bleed treasure node)
After 9 attempts, my level 39 Terror Byte Robo-Fortune finally beat the toughest daily node in the game! (the heavy bleed treasure node)