• [2018/06/22]
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  • Can't decide if the AI has gotten better, the mechanics changes have made some things harder or if I'm just sucking at Rift Battles today
    haven’t been playing rift but i’ve noticed it in regular fights as well. honestly i think it may be the second as i don’t recall any big AI changes in this update (unless i’m wrong)
    AI improvements are really impressive, and rift getting harder well, because of catalysts
    It's funny how when I'm trying to make some notes of who to use where in a rift battle how often I end up writing something like "Green Cat"
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    Reactions: Veeko and Inked
    Like I know now her name is Claw & Order, but I'll be damned if I can recall more than a couple names in that moment.
    Not sure if I should be proud or upset I just beat up two people to win a rift battle while having exactly 1hp left between three characters
    *Uses a 20k diamond Primed on a 8k node, because I'm just too tired for f-ing Big Band's Daily*
    I feel dumb asking this, but does anyone have any tips for when Cerebella corners you and endlessly tries to throw you? It's really annoying
    There was this fight with af Bella cornering me I burst beat her a bit then she unflinch and corner me again ;-; ;-; ;-; darkest 15secs
    I've been having this problem a lot with my Poultergust, so it sounds like I might just need to pick a new move on her that throws Cerebella away. The ones I have now either miss or leave her right next to me again :|
    Play as another Cerebella lol
    Why do I forget every single dark prize fight that Parasite Weave is super powered during it?
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    Reactions: Veeko
    that sounds lovely! i’m gonna invest in my parasite weave again just for this. i need those dark essences
    lol, I misread her SA. I thought she could only stun if the opponent was slowed. Thanks to you, everything is clear now :D
    Some tips on stun locking people with Parasite Weave in the Dark prize fight: If you stun them during your basic ground combo, just do your ground combo again. If you get to your launcher and they're not stunned, then launch them into the air, and do your air combo. Hopefully they'll get stunned by either the launcher or air combo. If they do, they'll still be stunned when they stand up after the air combo ends.
    That feeling when you found a bug earlier, and now you can't remember what it is to report it.
    Trying to keep up with Rift Battles, but not sleeping makes them so hard
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    Reactions: NinjaPenguin76
    I always notice at the beginning of a day, after I logged off from being stuck on a fight that I kept losing by a hair, the first fight I just 100-0 in like 4 seconds flat LOL. Mental exhaustion is too real rofl
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