• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Holy Goose

  1. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Oh yes. Look at all those amazing dailies we have no chance to complete. And it will become worse, ones Dahlia and the fourth character will arrive. Personally, I'm fine with the tickets to skip or replay dailies. It makes sense. But for the manual play, after so much time... Kind of hurts.
  2. Holy Goose

    I'd Like To Understand...

    That would be right. My only issue with the change, actually. Replayability and skipability are much-needed additions, but making the manual playing to cost something kind of ruins it all.
  3. Holy Goose

    I'd Like To Understand...

    Players will pay more real world money to get the in-game cash. They'll buy moves and character points, instead of getting them through dailies. Well, there's an opportunity to skip or replay a daily mission of the player's choice... But that's all, yeah. The ticket system was a huge punch in...
  4. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    And it's kind of sad, really. Sort of ruins a player's trust in the development team.
  5. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Negatively. I play dailies a lot. Well, I used to. Now it will be heavily restricted. Already feeling the results, while having to choose the mode to play.
  6. Holy Goose

    Fun Moments

    Wowsers. It's awesome and unbelievable at the same time. Now, for the main question: is Skeleton included in the Wishful Eater package?
  7. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Just checked out the new Prize Fight. Fell in love with the descriptions 😅 There are some big translation issues. I can barely understand what it was supposed to mean 😅
  8. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Same. Reinstalled the app after that, just in case.
  9. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Exactly. And it greatly hinders the progress for the newer players. Half of the fun of the dailies is about trying out a harder mode.
  10. Holy Goose

    Fun Moments

    Yeah, they changed a picture for Eager Deceiver before the release. Great palette. I hope The Skeleton will make it too 😁
  11. Holy Goose

    [Daily optimization] We only get 14 dailies a week. How do we make the most of them?

    That's an interesting way to deal with the situation, for sure. The ticket plan idea is great. I'll take some notes.
  12. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    I just got my first Jawbreaker. Kind of feel out of fashion now. Exactly. Okay, I tried that out as I promised. It was slightly better than I expected. Still wondering what I'm going to do during the weekend dailies ticket-wise. As a regular dailies player, I didn't like the changes. Other...
  13. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Well, trying it out wouldn't hurt. But this whole concept doesn't look good to begin with. And hiding the true point of this change wouldn't help at all. There was a similar decision with the Steam achievements of the main game recently... Pretty sad trend. That's what we thought it would be...
  14. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - 5.1 Update Notes - Umbrella's Full Release!

    Finally! Time to open everything up. More opportunities to fill up the loadouts. Yeah, there was a certain palette with a certain skeleton... Basically, it sums up everything. This addition kind of hinders the progress for the players, especially for the new ones. Trying out other difficulties...
  15. Holy Goose

    OFFICIAL - Update Notes - Umbrella's Release!

    Yeah, I didn't even get the Beowulf glitch this time. Disappointing.