• [2018/06/22]
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  • I just want to say if you've got a PF team of 2 weaklings and someone with nothing but attack and unblockables/BB3s i dislike you immensely
    I hope it's not news to you that that's the most effective way possible to do prizefights.
    yeah but there used to be enough people who didn't know that to fight, now it's like pulling teeth to get any kind of decent chain going.
    Nothing screams "fun and interactive gameplay" like both teams down to the last fighter, but the enemy's BB3 is up.
    "My blood is on your fist, making me the victor!" AIN'T THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD?
    "My blood is on your first, making me the victor!" AIN'T THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD?
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