• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by TonyPartridge30

  1. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Love Crafted debuffs don't disappear when she dies

    Not sure if it is a bug because it happens with other proximity-based debuff applications, such as the Accursed Experiments node with 2 Parasouls and 1 Eliza (next to the lower treasure node). In that fight, the debuffs will stay on you even after you defeat a fighter until the new fighter tags...
  2. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Server/connection errors around daily reset cause Rift losses

    Had another server error occur when playing Rift today soon after daily reset. However, this time the error message indicated that my energy was not consumed, and when I was sent back to the rift map I had not accrued any losses, so that’s an improvement.
  3. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Ogre Achiever saying wrong fighter name when tagging out?

    I figured it might not be a bug but rather intended. Thanks for looking into it!
  4. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Server/connection errors around daily reset cause Rift losses

    Only noticed it over the weekend because those were the only days I was playing right after reset.
  5. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Ogre Achiever saying wrong fighter name when tagging out?

    iPhone 13 iOS 17.6.1 Game version 6.5.0 I was playing Accursed Experiments with Ogre Achiever Beowulf as my active fighter. During the fight I tagged in Freeze Frame Peacock, but as Beowulf left the stage, he said “Annie” instead of saying Peacock or Patricia. I tried to repeat the conditions...
  6. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Server/connection errors around daily reset cause Rift losses

    iPhone 13 iOS 17.6.1 Game version 6.5.0 Yesterday and today, I have accrued a loss in a Rift battle because the game times out when trying load a fight. These time outs happened when I was trying to play Rift in the 15 minutes immediately after daily reset. I did not close the app, change my...
  7. TonyPartridge30

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    Megalomaniac’s buff was too much. Having an inherent meter drain ability plus having her BB usage not diminish her perma-armor count makes her ridiculous to deal with. Either the native drain should be removed or her BB usage should be reverted to lower her perma-Armor stack. Having both of...
  8. TonyPartridge30

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    Megalomaniac’s buff seems a little too strong, imo. Also has the invite to the mobile hub been sent out yet? I don’t recall seeing it.
  9. TonyPartridge30

    Other Rift & Catalyst balance suggestion

    Messing with that sort of collection is kind of the point. But I’d be totally fine if you could get back 100% of your coin investment; that doesn’t bother me at all. I’m all for more catalysts, but I don’t think that will change much. Inevitably the community will fall back upon a selection of...
  10. TonyPartridge30

    Other Rift & Catalyst balance suggestion

    I mostly like the reworks made to several Catalysts in the Rift mode. I think the occasional rework is a decent way to keep the mode fresh and encourage diversity. For example, the update to Cripple Decker has made it go from seeing little-to-no use to being a very potent catalyst. But a side...
  11. TonyPartridge30


    I can agree with this list.
  12. TonyPartridge30


    I hope so, because tying fighter improvements/adjustments to a premium pass would be a huge letdown. But if it's more like "let's take a pass at improving Big Band", then sure, I'm all for it.
  13. TonyPartridge30


    Guilds! Finally (kind of)! Excited to see what kind of cooperative features this game will employ. What is fighter tuning and why does it have to be behind a pass? Passes are generally paid/premium in some fashion and talking about S tiers makes me think that a certain degree of P2W could...
  14. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal No rift rewards for week of Dec 25-31?

    My mail seems to be coming in correctly now. Since the second week of Jan, I've been getting my rift reward mail as normal, along with PF rewards, update mail, etc. I have no mail in my Read tab (except for a survey notice that I forgot to delete). At this point I'm over the missed rewards, so...
  15. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Wrong debuff icon for Buffer Zone

    Here’s the wrong debuff icon on the fight screen.