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Bug - Normal Russian localization issues


New Member
Mar 16, 2021
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In this thread I will try to publish all the abilities that are broken by the russian translation that I know, I will also try to find inaccuracies in grammar.
I do not vouch for the translation of references, names, etc.

The structure will be like this:
1. Number of issue (#)
2. Original wording (eng) - screenshot
3. Russian wording (rus) - screenshot
4. Fixed wording by myself (fix)
I will mark issues as major or minor, first means issue mislead players, second means it will be much easier to understand ability or it just will be written not so absurdly like now (including grammar).

I think I'll separate posts by characters.

Russian players can offer their finds!
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Annie's here!!​

#1 - Ninja Star's SA2 (minor)

eng: IMG_20220902_173537_740.jpg
rus: IMG_20220902_173539_629.jpg
for comparison similar to Ninja Beast King's SA2 (this is correct)IMG_20220907_040938_697.jpg
fix: words ур. (stack) and ОТРИЦ.ЭФФ. (DEBUFF) located separately, which makes it difficult to read the ability.
So I propose to place these words side by side:
"Снаряды наносят 25% доп. урона за каждый уровень ОТРИЦ. ЭФФЕКТА, наложенный на противника."

#2 - Triple Threat's SA1 (major)

eng: IMG_20220902_180405_579.jpg
fix: 1. Missing the word permanent in the first sentence.
2. Word "or" replaced with "and", so it mislead players, they think she gain all these buffs in star power.
So just put "или" and "постоянный" there:
"Даёт постоянный ИММУНИТЕТ, НЕПОКОЛЕБИМОСТЬ или НЕУЯЗВИМОСТЬ на 9 с. при активации ЗВЕЗДНОГО ВЛИЯНИЯ. Постоянный ПОЛОЖ. ЭФФЕКТ снимается при выходе из ЗВЕЗДНОГО ВЛИЯНИЯ."

#3 - Moonstruck's SA2 (minor)

fix: Just hard to read, many grammar mistakes, suggest better wording (oh, yes, also Annie's name, just like if you call her Ennie in English):
"Один раз за матч активация ЗВЁЗДНОГО ВЛИЯНИЯ на полной шкале ВОСКРЕШАЕТ и ЛЕЧИТ союзников на 50% от потерянного Энни ЗДОРОВЬЯ"

After #1 and #2, I wondered if buff and debuff translations were needed at all.
I think any player will understand what this means without translation.
So just replace ОТРИЦ. ЭФФ. (DEBUFF) with ДЕБАФФ and ПОЛОЖ. ЭФФ. (BUFF) with БАФФ.
But don't forget to decline the words (бафф, баффа, баффе, баффу, etc.).
Just hire me and I'll help with that. 😉

It's all for Annie, for now.
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Beowulf now,​

sorry for such delay.

I decided to sort issues in post by important - the higher the number, the more necessary it is.
Also i forgot to look on moves translate in prev post..

#1 - Hypeman SA1 (major)

fix: In russian version it reads as "decrease" - doesn't take meter to himself, to fix it just need to change one word:
"Пока в РЕЖИМЕ ХАЙПА, КРАДЁТ у противника 5% ШКАЛЫ БЛОКБАСТЕРА за каждый нанесённый удар."
(devs reading this: one word??)

#2 - Number One SA (minor)

fix: umm, it reads weird, in SA1 missed the end of a word, in SA2 literally "fall into a frenzy for 5 sec", it doesn't sound understandable, right? But players still can easily guess the correct text, unlike Hypeman.
"Получает УСКОРЕНИЕ на 10 с. при активации РЕЖИМА ХАЙПА.
Пока под воздействием УСКОРЕНИЯ шанс 20% при УДАРЕ получить БЕШЕНСТВО на 5 с."

#3 - Wulfsbane SA1 (minor)

eng: IMG_20220907_015142_279.jpg
rus: IMG_20220907_015143_421.jpg
fix: It's two verbs for two debuffs here, for us first reads literally "injure" (inflict cripple yea), it would be better if there was 1 verb for both debuffs like in the original:
"Шанс 50% наложить УВЕЧЬЕ и БЛОК НА ИСЦЕЛЕНИЕ на 5 секунд при БРОСКЕ."

#4 - Dragon Brawler SA1 (minor)

fix: Remember when Htiek complained about his damage not being doubled? To prevent any misunderstandings, I propose to put literally the name of the stat "УРОН КРИТА" (crit damage) like in original:
"Получает 3 ур. ТОЧНОСТИ при активации ХАЙПА и повышает УРОН КРИТА на 100% в РЕЖИМЕ ХАЙПА."

#5 - Dark Might SA2 (minor)

fix: ah, remember when you changed the ability of Lapis Luxury to add word "Tier", bc some players thought you need lvl up any blockbuster for the ability to work?
So... in russian these words sounds similar (tier and lvl is just lvl), idk how to find variant which sounds authentic and understandable at the same time.
I suggest to add word Ultra (damage of tier 3 moves) after "Tier 3" to recognize it, something like that:
"БЛОКБАСТЕРЫ УР. 3 (УЛЬТРА) имеют шанс 15% мгновенно уничтожить противников, если у Беовульфа менее 50% ЗДОРОВЬЯ."

Beowulf over..
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Meanwhile moves translate​

Also i forgot to look on moves translate in prev post..
Annie's fine, but the wolf...

#1 - Gigan Arm Sweep (minor)

fix: In russian it is "EACH HIT", where is "each" in original? idk🤷
so fixed wording:
"При УДАРЕ накладывает КРОВОТЕЧЕНИЕ на 4 сек."

#2 - Hurting Hurdle (minor)

eng: IMG_20220907_041706_224.jpg
fix: hard to read, it sounds like 50% is not about chance but about the word increase, absurd.
mine ver.:
"Имеет на 50% увеличенный шанс нанести КРИТИЧЕСКИЙ УДАР"

#3 - Wulfamania! (minor)

fix: all's fine, except one..
"УСКРЕНИЕ" (haste) just lack 1 letter "О", should be "УСКОРЕНИЕ".
in total:
"Если используется для добивания, даёт УСКОРЕНИЕ на 10 секунд."

It's all for now with moves.
Thanks for the report! I'll be forwarding this to our Localization team
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Big Band paid us a visit!​

Large delay again (I broke up) (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)

#1 - Bassline SA2 (major)

fix: in russian this literally says "when teammates tag in", just extra word, so for fixing i remove it
"При ПРИЗЫВЕ добавляет 20% к шкале всех БЛОКБАСТЕРОВ."

#2 - Robocopy SA1 (minor)

fix: missing grammar, we can just change word's ending (переносит and also получает, suffer fatal hit aka survive and gain respectively) or replace word in general to be close to original, like
"Один раз за матч при получении смертельного удара, получает 1 ур. БРОНИ и БАРЬЕРА. БРОНЯ держится 10 секунд."
If we change only endings it will be
"Один раз за матч переносит смертельный удар и получает 1 ур. БРОНИ и БАРЬЕРА. БРОНЯ держится 10 секунд."
We also can just put word "Возможность" (Possibility) before wording, in this case endings will read correctly.

#3 - G.I. Jazz SA (minor)

(Oh you put here word "Возможность" just like my suggestion in previous issue)

fix: ahem, just little issue with plural.
We could make just like in original and put ending in brackets - "3-4-5 уровня(ей)" and "1-2-3 уровень(ня)", but easiest way is just cut words to 2 letters like you do always - "3 ур."
"Возможность один раз за матч получить 3 ур. РЕГЕНЕРАЦИИ на 10 секунд, когда ЗДОРОВЬЕ падает ниже 25%.
Получает также 1 ур. БРОНИ."

#4 - Resonant Evil, Private Dick, Heavy Metal SA (minor)

Resonant Evil SA​

fix: it's another problem for russian language, even not about Resonant Evil (this is in many places).

Phrases "when hit" and "on hit" looks the same way - "при ударе" - it's no difference, there needs clarifications - getting or landing hit, you do this sometimes, but also often miss.
I can say usually it's understandable, but for newbies it will be hard to read.
And in future when adding variants that have same issue i will reference to this.

Also "while benefiting from ARMOR" became "if player have ARMOR", so this can be replaced too
"При полученном УДАРЕ с шансом 10% получает БРОНЮ на 5 секунд.
При полученном УДАРЕ с шансом 5% ОГЛУШАЕТ противника на 2 секунды, если активна БРОНЯ."

Private Dick SA1:​

same issue
my variant is
"При нанесении удара есть 5% шанс ОГЛУШИТЬ противника на 2 секунды."

(only 10 attachments...)
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Heavy Metal SA1:​

same issue
my variant:
"Шанс 10% получить БРОНЮ на 5 секунд при получении УДАРА в результате ближней атаки (включая блокирование)."

in order not to make a third post, continue with moves, especially when it one

Big Band's Moves​

#1 - Giant Step (minor)

fix: similar to Beowulf's Hurting Hurdle issue, sounds ridiculous.
It will be better if wording replaced with the same like chair's -
"Имеет на 50% увеличенный шанс нанести КРИТИЧЕСКИЙ УДАР"

And that's all with BBand, folks.
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