• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Aoskull

    Fights New buff suggestion- PROTECTION

    I’ll introduce my new buff suggestion! The name is… PROTECTION! PROTECTION When hit, consumes a stack to completely prevent damage. While having it, BLOCK PROFICIENCY will increase by 10%. - This new stackable buff is kinda similar to Evade, but the biggest difference is that it increases...
  2. Aoskull

    Characters Reworking suggestion for Freedom Fighter

    - Freedom Fighter was tweaked in long time ago but currently, a lot of strong fighters have been added and make him unable to keep up with the match environment. He is designed for defense, but now his defensive rating in tier list is only A and I rarely see them on lifts or PF (I miss those...
  3. Aoskull

    Characters Reworking suggestion of Grudge

    - Currently, Painwheel’s Grudge is much less popular than Tainted Blood, even though it was tweaked quite a while ago. Gaining both Enrage and a shield at the same time is powerful, but the fact that it activates on a critical hit is a drawback. - To begin with, Tainted is just too strong… It...
  4. Aoskull

    Characters Reworking suggestion of Glacial Ghoul

    Heyyyy it seems that everyone is not satisfied about Glacial Ghoul, huh? Me too😅 Her 2 sigs don't really mesh well and some JP players are expressing their doubts about this abilities. If you're going to make it work, you need to keep it simple, devs. There's no need to make it unnecessarily...
  5. Aoskull

    Characters Reworking suggestion of Lapis Luxury

    I found 1 fighter that need rework very much… It’s Lapis Luxury. It’s no exaggeration to say that she is currently the weakest Elizas of Gold and above… - First of all, both sig1 and 2 can only be activated once per match, so the opportunities for them to shine are very limited. Sig1 has Armor...
  6. Aoskull

    Characters Buff suggestion of Rainbow Bright

    - Rainbow is a poor variant. As time goes on, the number of ways to apply powerful buffs and debuffs has significantly increased, but she is unable to keep up with the changes of match environment, which makes her relatively weaker and not used a lot right now. If this situation continues, she...
  7. Aoskull

    Characters Buff suggestions for poor character abilities

    This time, I will post about adjustments to character abilities that are not as blessed with performance as others. If you have better idea, feel free to comment here! The hole idea (Peacock) • The hit will ignore opponent's UNFLINCHING, THORNS, EVASION and AUTO BLOCK. • Reduced gaps after...
  8. Aoskull

    Fights Suggestions related to the guest star

    I see that many of you are unhappy with the guest stars, don’t you ? Tbh Me too. But I think there is room for improvement with some tweaks. Here are my suggestions related to the guest stars! If you have better ideas, feel free to comment here! Suggestion 1: Make Guest Stars unequipable on...
  9. Aoskull

    Characters Nerf suggestion for No Time to Die

    This time, I will talk about No Time to Die, one of the several nerf suggestions I have made previously. - Since my last post, I've been thinking seriously about this. This ability is currently really wrecking in defense, and troubling many players, especially newcomers. - In the first place...
  10. Aoskull

    Characters Suggestions for some basic ability’s nerf

    I have made many suggestions for buffing so far, but nerfing is sometimes necessary to maintain balance of the match environment. Therefore, I’ll post suggestions for nerf some of the destructive elements. Ringlet Spike Old: Inflict BLEED for 4/8/12 second on hit New: 25/35/50% to inflict...
  11. Aoskull

    Disappeared Custom Fighter thread

    It seems like Custom Fighter thread is completely disappeared from this “General Discussion” section… I was really disappointed to see that all of postings of Custom Fighters including mine has totally erased! This incident is extremely painful for all custom fighter creators. This also...
  12. Aoskull

    Characters Current progress of my reworking suggestions

    As the end of the month approaches, it's time to share progress on my (our) current reworking suggestions! - First, thanks to everyone who commented on my thread! I am even more motivated to make my suggestions. Now, most of my previous suggestions were solidified, but some are still not.Here...
  13. Aoskull

    Characters Reworking suggestion of Blood Oath and some Eliza’s move

    Eliza's first marquee, Blood Oath, tends to be used much less than the second one, Ritual Sacrifice. The BB meter tends to be more important than HP, and it is said that simply increasing endurance, not quick recover effect like Sacrifice is almost meaningless in the situation when teammate has...
  14. Aoskull

    Fights A suggestion for the stage of Rift

    Don't you think it's boring to fight on the same stage with the same bgm over and over on the Rift Battle? If so, you are not alone! I also strongly think so. This has not changed since the initial release, so especially for the perspective from advanced long-time Rift player, this makes the...
  15. Aoskull

    Collection Suggestion for shard exchange store

    The Shard Exchange Store is great function to get guaranteed fighters you want, but the current store lineup is too limited and very disappointing. So, here’s my suggestion of shard store improvements! - I think it would be a good idea to add a “Daily lineup” section to the store. This would...
  16. Aoskull

    About Big Band 2nd marquee

    Can Big Band’s 2nd marquee exceed the resistance limit (50%) ? I asked that in JP community but no one knew about it, so.
  17. Aoskull

    Characters Reworking suggestion of Octoplasm (2nd)

    I asked the JP community about Octoplasm's performance and... well, it was terrible. Many of them said that 35 sec of quietus is really a waste since Marie has a lot of ways to inflict it. Especially this ability completely ruins the PA. Also, element restrictions are not well accepted. So, I'll...
  18. Aoskull

    Characters About Grave Danger

    Currently, there is a discussion going on at JP Wiki regarding the performance of Grave Danger. The general content is that her sig1's 15 seconds of heavy regen is not stackable, which really doesn't mesh with her BB barrage tactic, so it would be better to change to something better instead...
  19. Aoskull

    Other List of my “Rice Grain Suggestions”

    When I play SGM, even the smallest things bring to mind ideas like "wouldn't it be better if it was like this?". So, here’s my suggestions that really doesn't matter, but I would personally like to see happen! Let's just call it the "Rice Grain Suggestions" since these are suggestions for...
  20. Aoskull

    Characters Base reworking suggestions (2024 autumn- winter)

    The 6.5 update is smaller than usual, and we got no adjustment. But it's not all bad things. I also think no adjustments means that devs are thinking about adjustments seriously and gave us more room to create perfect suggestions. So, I'll post the base suggestion for this new season here! I'll...