• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Dark dizzy

    Beowulf custom variant

    Refrence: Magma dragoon megaman x4 Rising Fire get ready x ! Ability 1: when in hype mode gain 5 stacks of enrage and haste. Ability 2: when health is at 50 percent or lower deal 25/35/45 more damage.
  2. R

    Bug - Normal Not exactly a bug but...RNG is broke

    So I have about 180 bronzes, no more than a fifth of which are from character relics and at most three are from bronze PF. This includes sacced and evolved bronzes and the bronzes required to evolve. I will be generous and assume every one of them besides the aforementioned fifth came from...
  3. A

    Bug - Crash Broken chat room

  4. VictuTheNewb

    Peacock's origin master difficult has one fight that is frustrating and should be changed.

    As the title says, I'm just posting my opinion on this one fight in the story mode and how I would fix it. Winning it is not based to stats, skill or strategy: it's straight up RNG, feels awful to fight against and is not doable without luck or a max HP gold/diamond Peacock. Often people say...
  5. Mayor_N

    Characters Valentine is Broken

    Back when the game first started, Valentine was a fast, and agile character that was easy to counter attacks with, but now, she's incredibly slow and is never able to counter any attack, no matter what it is. Please fix this, you turned my favorite fighter into trash.