• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Ash Stretchum

    Bug - Normal Rigged Relic odds or possible account issue I do not know

    Hello, I have already contacted support but they are telling me the usual in-game info and relic odds. The main issue with my account is I am getting the same diamonds back to back from my diamond and premier relics. Let me post some pictures to explain better. 4 Fly Traps, 2 Freeze Frames...
  2. E

    Question about Duplicate Shinies - Power Up Shiny with Another Shiny

    Hello. I am new to this forum. I read the Rules and Guidelines and I think this thread belongs here. If I am mistaken, I am sorry, and I will post it in the correct subforum. I got 2 Shiny "In Denile" Elizas. One is already a Shiny Diamond, the other is a Shiny Bronze. When I tried to sacrifice...
  3. Qasr

    Diamond relic: how does the game decide which character you get

    Hi guys, does anyone know how the game calculates which characters you get when you open a diamond relic? does it just use pure rng or does it factor in your current collection somehow? I ask in particular because even with a small number of natural diamonds, all i ever got from diamond relics...
  4. K

    Bug - Normal Purchased Fighter Variety Pack Plus - Duplicated Nearly All Pairs

    I purchased a Fighter Variety Pack Plus last week and 9 of the 11 of them produced the same fighter twice, including two silvers. There is just no way that legitimately random RNG. I would guess the random seed was reset to the same value for both relics in each pair for this to happen. If...