• [2018/06/22]
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  1. BallotBoxer

    Guessing Umbrella Palette References

    While you can design your own Umbrella palette over here (https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/umbrella-palette-ideas.17624/), let's try to figure out if any of the palettes in the game are a reference to something in this thread. So far, 14 have appeared in 2nd Encore and many will...
  2. BallotBoxer

    Umbrella Palette Ideas

    Umbrella is going to need lots of coordinated color outfits. A new character to SGM will need at least 11 (2 bronze, 3 silver, 4 gold, 2 diamond) to catch up with everybody else! It's palette predicting/picking time! Use this thread to suggest ideas or make your own. How to make an Umbrella...