• [2018/06/22]
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a need for better way of acquiring moves

Aug 30, 2018
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at the current moment i honestly can’t say i love how the move system works. I really don’t like how they’re random. This makes a week worth of waiting for a single move with good stats feel completely worthless and sometimes makes me not even want to do my dailies.

I suggest that: moves are no longer given out, from relics or battles. period. Instead, you can purchase each move for your character, the price should be based on how many slot points it requires. Idk, if it’s a gold move then maybe 10k a slot point? You get a random roll on the move that you bought, and now you can REROLL your stats. But rerolls, shouldn’t be free, like maybe 25k a roll. But at the same time if you have moves you’d like to not reroll. Then maybe a new material that you can use to hold moves that you want at the expenditure of 5 (per stat you want to save) of this material.
Then you might be asking, what happens to dailies? Well, if you change the prizes to be only money, and then add some of the new material for rerolls, problem solved. You can make decent money but just selling the moves that you get but if every rank of the daily will give out even a little bit of the new material, there might be a reason to do those as well.
(Idea came from the video game TERA, there’s a reroll system for stats and I thought it would fit nicely into Skullgirls. Especially since that rift battles are a think and you need more competitively ready fighters/defenders.)

Diamond moves?
After leveling a move up to level 15, for the price of 1 million gold and 250 essence of your fighter (50 of each in the case of rainbow blight) you can upgrade the move to MAX level and MAX damage. All stats are increased by 5% and the move becomes soulbound * locked to your character.
* you could add something to unlock it at a very high price.
at the current moment i honestly can’t say i love how the move system works. I really don’t like how they’re random. This makes a week worth of waiting for a single move with good stats feel completely worthless and sometimes makes me not even want to do my dailies.

I suggest that: moves are no longer given out, from relics or battles. period. Instead, you can purchase each move for your character, the price should be based on how many slot points it requires. Idk, if it’s a gold move then maybe 10k a slot point? You get a random roll on the move that you bought, and now you can REROLL your stats. But rerolls, shouldn’t be free, like maybe 25k a roll. But at the same time if you have moves you’d like to not reroll. Then maybe a new material that you can use to hold moves that you want at the expenditure of 5 (per stat you want to save) of this material.
Then you might be asking, what happens to dailies? Well, if you change the prizes to be only money, and then add some of the new material for rerolls, problem solved. You can make decent money but just selling the moves that you get but if every rank of the daily will give out even a little bit of the new material, there might be a reason to do those as well.
(Idea came from the video game TERA, there’s a reroll system for stats and I thought it would fit nicely into Skullgirls. Especially since that rift battles are a think and you need more competitively ready fighters/defenders.)

Diamond moves?
After leveling a move up to level 15, for the price of 1 million gold and 250 essence of your fighter (50 of each in the case of rainbow blight) you can upgrade the move to MAX level and MAX damage. All stats are increased by 5% and the move becomes soulbound * locked to your character.
* you could add something to unlock it at a very high price.

I like the idea of a stat reroll system. It's pretty lame situation to get a gold Buer Overdrive you want to use so badly but can't justify it when the stats are +3% Block Proficiency, +3% Armor Break Resist, and 3% Disable resist- so you just shelve it with the rest of your moves you only keep to put something on new draws or bronzes you don't plan to evolve.

Personally I do think there should be more emphasis on units and less on moves as rewards for story/prize fight/etc. given how all too real of an experience it is to get literally the worst variants of a character to begin with, and top it with the fact that you need 3 additional of the same tier to just get 1 variant to evolve. The icing on the cake being that acquiring Theonite as a F2P is quite a slow process, and with the terribly high rate of getting a bronze Nunsense unless you do anything but save for the 10+1 pull you'll find yourself choosing between:

A) Doing your best with what you have that's not garbage and using theonite for gold to progress because it's a more reliable certainty, and just waiting to get something desirable out of CoC or acquire it from the far fewer free premiere relics.
B) Praying to the pull gods that you're not gonna wish youd've just gotten coins instead of asking yourself how you got 7 Nunsense, 3 Understudy, and 1 Ms Trial or something rofl.

Obviously B is exaggeratory for the fun but nuntheless when you're starting out you'll be getting your hands on alot less coin than later, which is why for the first long while I just decided to invest in my characters I did have instead. That may be blasphemeous in this community, idk the general consensus on that, but it served me well given all my best pulls were ones I did not purchase. Given how long I sat on moves that weren't even particularly good but were silver + for a character I didn't even have, much less whether it was a good variant, more relics would be nice. I will concede though that it's also faaar prefereable to seeing Dreadlocks on every other freaking team because there's too many summon relic chances- keeping good draws special is not only important to players but also how they keep the game from being total arse.

Not so sure about the diamond moves and the rest though. With all the passive stuff going on with higher tier unit team comps and 3 beefed stats per move, adding 5 additional stat buffs to a fighter across 5 moves if diamond moves logically had 4 stat modifiers- sounds a liiitle too much. I could be wrong, but just the idea of natural diamond fighters scared the community that the games entire balance might go kaplooey. Diamond moves throw a whole new saddle on things, but that said if I'm being perfectly honest I also don't truthfully doubt the likelihood of it happening at some point in time because power creep.

Anywho at the very least I like stat rerolls, and I'd like to see more character relic rewards. Everything besides that I'm currently ok with as it is, since even with crud luck there's nothing that beats the excitement of drawing a gold move you were missing and it having just the best possible modifiers to boot. Happened 3x in a row with me on squiggy, I was one happy camper (ノ´▽`)ノ♪
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I like the idea of a stat reroll system. It's pretty lame situation to get a gold Buer Overdrive you want to use so badly but can't justify it when the stats are +3% Block Proficiency, +3% Armor Break Resist, and 3% Disable resist- so you just shelve it with the rest of your moves you only keep to put something on new draws or bronzes you don't plan to evolve.

Personally I do think there should be more emphasis on units and less on moves as rewards for story/prize fight/etc. given how all too real of an experience it is to get literally the worst variants of a character to begin with, and top it with the fact that you need 3 additional of the same tier to just get 1 variant to evolve. The icing on the cake being that acquiring Theonite as a F2P is quite a slow process, and with the terribly high rate of getting a bronze Nunsense unless you do anything but save for the 10+1 pull you'll find yourself choosing between:

A) Doing your best with what you have that's not garbage and using theonite for gold to progress because it's a more reliable certainty, and just waiting to get something desirable out of CoC or acquire it from the far fewer free premiere relics.
B) Praying to the pull gods that you're not gonna wish youd've just gotten coins instead of asking yourself how you got 7 Nunsense, 3 Understudy, and 1 Ms Trial or something rofl.

Obviously B is exaggeratory for the fun but nuntheless when you're starting out you'll be getting your hands on alot less coin than later, which is why for the first long while I just decided to invest in my characters I did have instead. That may be blasphemeous in this community, idk the general consensus on that, but it served me well given all my best pulls were ones I did not purchase. Given how long I sat on moves that weren't even particularly good but were silver + for a character I didn't even have, much less whether it was a good variant, more relics would be nice. I will concede though that it's also faaar prefereable to seeing Dreadlocks on every other freaking team because there's too many summon relic chances- keeping good draws special is not only important to players but also how they keep the game from being total arse.

Not so sure about the diamond moves and the rest though. With all the passive stuff going on with higher tier unit team comps and 3 beefed stats per move, adding 5 additional stat buffs to a fighter across 5 moves if diamond moves logically had 4 stat modifiers- sounds a liiitle too much. I could be wrong, but just the idea of natural diamond fighters scared the community that the games entire balance might go kaplooey. Diamond moves throw a whole new saddle on things, but that said if I'm being perfectly honest I also don't truthfully doubt the likelihood of it happening at some point in time because power creep.

Anywho at the very least I like stat rerolls, and I'd like to see more character relic rewards. Everything besides that I'm currently ok with as it is, since even with crud luck there's nothing that beats the excitement of drawing a gold move you were missing and it having just the best possible modifiers to boot. Happened 3x in a row with me on squiggy, I was one happy camper (ノ´▽`)ノ♪
Thank you! for agreeing with me on the stat rerolls!!

And ya, like diamond moves do seem busted asf, not gonna lie. But idk I thought that level 15, ya it’s max level but like you still also have a random chance on which stat gets boosted each time you level—
To be honest, there is too much rng in the game rn, and instead of wanting to play more to have a chance to get everything, it’s actually discouraging me playing more because it just takes too much time with no reward.
Thank you! for agreeing with me on the stat rerolls!!

And ya, like diamond moves do seem busted asf, not gonna lie. But idk I thought that level 15, ya it’s max level but like you still also have a random chance on which stat gets boosted each time you level—
To be honest, there is too much rng in the game rn, and instead of wanting to play more to have a chance to get everything, it’s actually discouraging me playing more because it just takes too much time with no reward.
v( ̄∇ ̄) Yeah man, stat rerolls in games sharing a mechanic similar to this one is pretty normal and by a lot of players standards pretty essential depending on the game/community in question. Given how many times I've gotten a gold tagout moves I'll essentially never use that would give my fighter so many great stats, it's definitely frustrating for your powerhouse move to be giving a character stats that add little to nothing to their playstyle.

I'm inclined to agree about the RNG heavy nature. In my opinion- aside from the 'gacha' structural elements- RNG is straight up counter intuitive in a game that has a core mechanic of your skill being the biggest deciding variable in the equation. Now with characters, some of them RNG very much should be the case because of how strong their abilities are but they're not (dreadlocks). It'd make more sense for it to be like a percentage chance on hit- I mean what exactly makes sense about say Doublicious having a 25% chance to transfer a buff (which merely adds an element of difficulty for the opponent, but doesn't shut them down) while Dreadlocks is just "Lol painwheel? Oh yeah the angry ceiling fan. She might as well be a bumble bee- stings a little but always dies for it."
Edit: Drealocks being a natural gold vs a natural silver is the counterarguement I didn't consider here lol, but anyways you get what I was going for ecks dee

Not to complain about dreadlocks, I like her- but I don't think I should have to explain too much for it to be evident that some abilities compared to others are really questionable. In a perfectly balanced game like this, at the very least there'd be a build/moveset/fightstyle that would let even a well played painwheel get around that. But not crits, grabs, specials or blockbusters have exemption- the more damage you deal the more you hurt yourself. So unless you just have a bigger HP reserve compared to the Dreadlocks in question or just regen out the butt, you can go ahead and pick another character if not just concede to a character you could otherwise beat. Idk the premise of such leaves a bad taste in my mouth competitive-wise. I wouldn't have a problem with it so much if it were just common to have an answer laying around, but realistically you could go a loooong time without drawing such. I'm on level 35 ish or so and I've literally only gotten Scrub Valentine (3 of em) for regen ╥﹏╥

My hope is as the game matures they'll balance these things. If you don't find luck along the way you'll have invested way too much time into it to justify restarting a new account unless you're real thirsty for this specific game.
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v( ̄∇ ̄) Yeah man, stat rerolls in games sharing a mechanic similar to this one is pretty normal and by a lot of players standards pretty essential depending on the game/community in question. Given how many times I've gotten a gold tagout moves I'll essentially never use that would give my fighter so many great stats, it's definitely frustrating for your powerhouse move to be giving a character stats that add little to nothing to their playstyle.

I'm inclined to agree about the RNG heavy nature. In my opinion- aside from the 'gacha' structural elements- RNG is straight up counter intuitive in a game that has a core mechanic of your skill being the biggest deciding variable in the equation. Now with characters, some of them RNG very much should be the case because of how strong their abilities are but they're not (dreadlocks). It'd make more sense for it to be like a percentage chance on hit- I mean what exactly makes sense about say Doublicious having a 25% chance to transfer a buff (which merely adds an element of difficulty for the opponent, but doesn't shut them down) while Dreadlocks is just "Lol painwheel? Oh yeah the angry ceiling fan. She might as well be a bumble bee- stings a little but always dies for it."
Edit: Drealocks being a natural gold vs a natural silver is the counterarguement I didn't consider here lol, but anyways you get what I was going for ecks dee

Not to complain about dreadlocks, I like her- but I don't think I should have to explain too much for it to be evident that some abilities compared to others are really questionable. In a perfectly balanced game like this, at the very least there'd be a build/moveset/fightstyle that would let even a well played painwheel get around that. But not crits, grabs, specials or blockbusters have exemption- the more damage you deal the more you hurt yourself. So unless you just have a bigger HP reserve compared to the Dreadlocks in question or just regen out the butt, you can go ahead and pick another character if not just concede to a character you could otherwise beat. Idk the premise of such leaves a bad taste in my mouth competitive-wise. I wouldn't have a problem with it so much if it were just common to have an answer laying around, but realistically you could go a loooong time without drawing such. I'm on level 35 ish or so and I've literally only gotten Scrub Valentine (3 of em) for regen ╥﹏╥

My hope is as the game matures they'll balance these things. If you don't find luck along the way you'll have invested way too much time into it to justify restarting a new account unless you're real thirsty for this specific game.
ya to be honest the game is still young and i actually think it’s pickinh up speed with its players scene, BUT unless some quality of life
changes come in, the players will be going in and out.
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