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Collection A suggestion of adding brand new items


Mar 31, 2023
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I’d like to introduce my suggestion of adding brand new items, “awakening program” and “signature upgrade”.

These items were existed in the mobile fighting game “Transformers: Forged to Fight (F2F)”. F2F has already ended its 5 years of service, but I think these items made F2F’s fighter developing systems awesome. In F2F, there was a system called “signature” that allows you to sacrifice duplicate Transformers to gain additional abilities, same with SGM’s PA. The maximum level was 100, also same with PA.

If you use awakening program, you can grant a signature to a Transformer who has not yet unlocked a signature. Signature upgrade can be used to increase the level of signature without sacrifice any Transformers, but the increasing rate is less than sacrificing.
The types of items that you can use is depending on the fighter’s rarity. For example, If you want to upgrade / awake 4-star Transformer’s signature, “︎”4-star signature upgrade / awakening program” is needed.
Signature upgrade can be obtained through many methods like monthly missions, login bonus, featured events, paid bundle etc., but unlike this, awakening program is more hard, limited and expensive to obtain.

I think adding this kind of items in SGM is really good idea to allow all players to increase the PA level more easily to unleash the potential of each fighter.
Also, it is hoped that it allows many things for devs like adding / replacing the rewards of certain game modes or battle pass, adding these items to cabinet, adding new paid bundle / subscriptions, and so on. Sorry for long message.