• [2018/06/22]
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Banned from global chat


New Member
May 12, 2018
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So my self got banned probably i swore or did something stupid, is there a way to get unbanned or something? I think i swore and said the f word and thats why i got banned or some other offensive word. And i typed it in a way so i can bypass the computer auto censor. If anyone can talk to me bout it that'd be cool
It seems to me as it's a pretty clear case since it's now a second offense like you've said. The filter is meant to help clean the chat (as flawed it may be) and using loopholes are not acceptable either with profanity. You’ve got past the first suspension after a set time and repeated offenses will increase the period of time you’ll have to serve, even to a full ban. While I could recommend trying to repeel it, in my eyes it was a just cause as the guideline were not respected. My advice is to ride out the time and learn from your mistakes as not to land yourself into trouble again.
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It sounds like you violated the chat rules and guidelines, and were punished accordingly.

You also will have received a mail message with more details about your chat suspension.