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Other [Buff] - CRIT Resistance > also reduces CRIT Damage


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score
Right now, Crit Resist is not a highly favorable stat. There are even offensive builds that strictly go CRITLESS, because of how punishing landing a critical can be vs certain characters (Dahlia, Painwheel). At the same time, the game can be quite bursty late game, which is the result of highly damaging crits. So here's my proposal to give more value to CRIT RESIST

Version 1
Decreases the chance of receiving a CRITICAL HIT and reduces CRIT DAMAGE taken by the same amount.

Version 2
Decreases the chance of receiving a CRITICAL HIT, and reduces CRIT DAMAGE taken by half the amount of your CRITICAL RESISTANCE.

- For version 2 Critical Damage % is going to be reduced by a flat amount. I.e. You have 80% Crit Damage, Opponent has 20% Crit Damage Reduction, you'll end up doing 60% Crit Damage.
- Since your cap for Crit Resist is 100%, Crit Damage reduction will only ever reach 50%.

Example for Version 2: Let's say that this is the attack. He has 53% CRIT DAMAGE.

If the opponent has 40% CRIT RESIST, he'll also reduce CRIT DAMAGE by 20%. Meaning the character will instead Critical Strike for (53 - 20) = 32%.

Option 1 may prove to be too good imo, so Option 2 looks to be more favorable
Last edited:
Reworded things and added an example to make the change more clear.