I know this might seem tricky, but there's no way you could get a perfect score (bottom) with such a fight (top).
Catalysts: Final Fight and Overload.
Marquees: PW (Grudge), which makes it even harder for a Sheltered to clear her; VAL (ICU) and Bella (Upper Hand)
Again have appear me this cheater, why have not been banned?? @Liam my god, how many times must be reported?? Have appeared me in rift battle 8:15 AM GMT-5 .
Yet another rift cheater in gold 4, only 1 catalyst, winning with much worse characters, the usual. Rift around 7 pm UTC. A fellow player has also been cheated by this person.
That would be me. Apparently, I forgot to grab screenshots of the characters they used, but I recall they cleared my Concrete Resolve node (22k Untouchable + gold Frost Armor) with that 10k Meow & Furever seen above, which might not be impossible, but is very suspicious to say the least...
They also managed to score over 23k using such characters when most legit players generally score between 20k and 22k vs my base using stronger characters.
Please ban this guy ASAP, this is the 2nd time matching against him. I'm never going to advance my rank if I keep losing points to him. Even tried to give me some defence wins to make it more believable but his score is a dead give away.