• [2018/06/22]
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Claw & Order or Purrfect Dark?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
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I finally have enough Ms. Fortunes to actually move one to diamond, but I'm struggling a little bit to decide which of my lv 50 ones to advance. I currently have Claw & Order and Purrfect Dark, though I suppose my Just Kitten is level 48.

I'm inclined to evolve Claw & Order to 50, because I genuinely enjoy using her, and she's reasonably useful to boot, and will only become more so with diamond stats. Also, I've learned the hard way that if a Claw & Order gets high enough stats on defense that they can deal 5% chip damage, then they will completely destroy you.

On the other hand, Purrfect Dark's SA is half useful. I use it semi-regularly in Rift Battles, and it would be nice if she had higher stats while using it, but I can't see using her for much more than those few edge cases where I don't already have someone else I'd rather be using. Still, seeing as Rift Battles are where the big rewards are, and that a single battle can make a huge difference, I feel weird leaving a potential tool lying around because I find the alternative more "fun" to use.

I don't know. Does anyone have a strong opinion on either of them?
I finally have enough Ms. Fortunes to actually move one to diamond, but I'm struggling a little bit to decide which of my lv 50 ones to advance. I currently have Claw & Order and Purrfect Dark, though I suppose my Just Kitten is level 48.

I'm inclined to evolve Claw & Order to 50, because I genuinely enjoy using her, and she's reasonably useful to boot, and will only become more so with diamond stats. Also, I've learned the hard way that if a Claw & Order gets high enough stats on defense that they can deal 5% chip damage, then they will completely destroy you.

On the other hand, Purrfect Dark's SA is half useful. I use it semi-regularly in Rift Battles, and it would be nice if she had higher stats while using it, but I can't see using her for much more than those few edge cases where I don't already have someone else I'd rather be using. Still, seeing as Rift Battles are where the big rewards are, and that a single battle can make a huge difference, I feel weird leaving a potential tool lying around because I find the alternative more "fun" to use.

I don't know. Does anyone have a strong opinion on either of them?
IMO, denying tricky buffs is better than deny BB's. I mean, if you make a mistake, a L5 can pretty much kill you. But I'm still noob, so idk :D. I have a lv 46 purrfect dark and a 42 claw and order; I would evolve PD first because I like her utility and pallete more.
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I've heard Claw is really good, but Tbh I don't know what about her people like so much. Her SA itself seems mediocre, but maybe it's a Harlequinn scenario where she gets by on pure stats. If that's the case, I'd still even go with PD because she can crack down on defense teams with ease. Bloodbath? RE? Not a problem. ICU Val? Easy. But if you really struggle with head games, then hands down go with Claw - the risk isn't worth it.
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I think to appeal to Claw is that once you start getting her combos down and have some good crit %, you can pretty easily end up having an enemy sporting both armor break and death mark for most of the battle, which can up your damage quite a bit. The locked blockbusters and perpetually refreshing special moves are nice too, since it make reprisals that much more difficult. Not having to figure out headless mode also makes her easier to play than some of the alternatives.

Edit: This paragraph is actually incorrect. Not sure why I thought that.
Her big downside is that unlike other blockbuster lockers, she doesn't also keep them from gaining blockbuster meter, so once the debuff runs out or they tag out and back in you can be facing a world of pain.
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Both have their niches - Purrfect being better as a counter fighter for annoying buff reliant fighters, while Claw is a better allrounder in my opinion.

Permanently locking down enemy BBs and specials is already really strong, but you can also indefinitely keep up other debuffs.

Pair her up with a sketchy support vs the armor node and you have permanent curse and slow on the enemies, as well as armor break from fiber upper and death mark from CSF.

Using El Gato usually deals enough damage to trigger her SA too.
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Pair her up with a sketchy support vs the armor node and you have permanent curse and slow on the enemies, as well as armor break from fiber upper and death mark from CSF.

I hadn't thought of this particular combo. That's a way I could have the best of both Dark and Claw going at the same time.

Using El Gato usually deals enough damage to trigger her SA too.

Is there a trick to using El Gato? I remember trying it a couple times and having it wiff, and I haven't tried it since.
Is there a trick to using El Gato? I remember trying it a couple times and having it wiff, and I haven't tried it since.
Fibber Upper > El Gato works on every character with the exception of Eliza (haven't tested in the corner though). Launcher > El gato works too.
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Blockbuster disable IS what prevents them from gaining meter though. Next time you play her, look at their meter after you inflict it and you'll notice it's not going up. It'll go up if it wears off or they tag out again, but it won't wear out with 15 second timers ever with only natural crit rate.

Coming from a rift point of view, overall I find Claw is far more reliable, and when you do need Curse Claw/Sketchy's instant startup after a tagout/outtake means better score. While PurrD has timerless Death Mark to make up for her damage being lower in theory (they're close, 200 off at max diamond), Claw with Fiber Upper and any of her Death Mark inflicting moves are going to give her even more damage. They last long enough to be reset by her SA2 quite easily as well.

PurrD's ten seconds to start is okay on paper, but is useless in Immunity where most people put buff users and on any of the three fighter nodes you're going to have to wait 30 seconds total to get any value from it, and that's not including time it takes them to tag in or if anybody tags out. PurrD's one benefit is getting longshots in PF and not needing support to curse, but you have to rely on SA2 and her lower HP means more chip, so it's still risky. Claw isn't fully safe, but a ton safer.

Is there a trick to using El Gato? I remember trying it a couple times and having it wiff, and I haven't tried it since.

L5 > Launch > Fiber > El Gato is universal except for Painwheel, launch > gato is universal, if you have a good Cat Scratch, L5 > Cat Scratch x2 > Hit Paws > Cat Scratch Fever should activate her disable on the second Scratch
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I’ve found that I’d just use Sketchy for the fights that I would use PurD. If you need another good defender, I would recommend evolving that Just Kitten. Otherwise Claw sounds like the safer choice.
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Oh the only time I’d use PurD is against people who put Meow&Forever in the bottom single node. The dark kitty’s the purfect counter for the light kitty. OwO
Yeah, now that I think on it, the only time I use Purrfect Dark on the two 1v1 nodes without immunity, and it's not like she's the only solution to problem characters on those nodes. Or that she's not already accomplishing the job on those nodes as a gold.

I'll be using Claw all the time, because shutting down blockbusters and special moves is useful against almost everyone.

Blockbuster disable IS what prevents them from gaining meter though. Next time you play her, look at their meter after you inflict it and you'll notice it's not going up. It'll go up if it wears off or they tag out again, but it won't wear out with 15 second timers ever with only natural crit rate.

Huh, I just went and tested this and you're right. Now I'm confused why I thought it wasn't working that way.
IMHO, both. But Claw and Order first. With a high% of critical, you can easily control an enemy blockbusters + special moves from the first combo to its complete defeat. With Purrfect D. you have to wait 10 seconds each time the enemy tag in (!) before he will be cursed.

This is a row version of CaO - diamond, lvl 59. One of my "the 5 most frequently used" characters.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english, its not my native.Screenshot_20190327-005550.jpg
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Claw and Order benefits more from diamond as her higher base stats and SA that triggers off of high damage both benefit greatly from it.

Purrrfect dark is excellent and a valid candidate, but her SA doesn't benefit as much from the base stats and can even be used as support (apply curse, swap) to make the lack of diamond stats less impactful