• [2018/06/22]
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Characters Current reworking suggestions for fighters who have not yet been adjusted


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2023
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Finally we got adjustment!! I’m really happy about that. However, I also feel that there are still some poor fighters that still waiting for adjustment.
But! I’m seeing this fact as a positive thing, as it gives us more time to think and discuss about their abilities. So, I’ll list my current reworking suggestions of it! Some suggestions are same with previous one or has buffed from it. Completely new suggestions are marked with "New!".
⚠️There are really lots of contents, I put spoilers to each suggestions.
Sig1 - 10/12/15% chance to avoid all damage and gain UNFLINCHING for 6 seconds.
Sig2 - All teammate’s ACCURACY increases by 20/25/30% (cannot exceed 50%)
Risky Ginger🔴
Sig1 - When hitting an ATTACKING opponent, gain ENRAGE and inflict RANDOM DEBUFF (except STUN and DOOM) for 10/12/15 seconds. 1 ENRAGE will removed after each blocked hit, but if you near to a tear, it does not activate and gain 5% BB METER instead.

Sig2 - With at least 5/4/3 stacks of ENRAGE, BB will become UNBLOCKABLE and reset the timer of all opponent DEBUFF (except STUN and DOOM)

Edit: I made a big improvement to her sig1!
Princess Pride🟡
Sig1 - Gain REGEN for 6/7/8 seconds when spawning a tear.

Sig2 - Inflict 10/12/15% bonus damage per current active tear.
Idol Threat🔵
Sig1 - Gain EVASION every 20 seconds. EVADING or hit an ATTACKING opponent grant FINAL STAND and 2 stacks of ARMOR for 8/10/12seconds.

Sig2 - While benefiting from ARMOR, swap 1 opponent’s BUFF and 1 her DEBUFF every 5/4/3 seconds.

•Note - Sig2 is also works as a simple buff stealer or debuff pusher
Sig1 - While blocking, gain 1/2/3% of HEALTH and BB METER per second. Effect is doubled while below 50% health.

Sig2 - BLOCK PROFICIENCY increases by 15/20/25%. Effect is doubled while below 50% health.
Shadow Ops🟣
Sig1 - inflict CURSE after opponent is near to a tear for 2/1/0 seconds ( Time lag before activating is gone when sig lv is max)

Sig2 - Also, additionally gain 1/2/3 stacks of THORNS and inflict DISABLE SPECIAL.

•Edit : I changed sig2 a bit
Bad Ms Frosty🔵
Sig1 - CRITICAL HITS have 25/35/50% chance to inflict DISABLE BB and ARMOR BREAK for 5/6/7 seconds.

Sig2 - CRIT RATE of BB increases by 25/30/35%.
Sig1 - When hitting an ATTACKING opponent, remove 1 BUFF and gain 3/4/5 stacks of PRECISION.

Sig2 - PRECISION HIT will ignore DEF and ARMOR and has 10/12/15% increased CRIT DAMAGE.

•Edit: I changed sig2 a bit
No Egrets🔵
Sig1 - CRITICAL HIT will inflict DISABLE SPECIAL, DISABLE BB or DISABLE TAG INS for 5/6/7 seconds.

Sig2 - When opponent suffered from all 3 DEBUFF above, inflict IMMOBILIZE for 5/6/7 seconds.
Sig1 - When blocking a hit, reduce damage taken by 25/50/75% and gain ENRAGE and THORNS for 10 seconds. (Enrage removal effect is gone)

Sig2- While benefitting from ENRAGE, 25/35/50% of the damage dealt is regained as health and 10% chance on HIT to increase the duration of all BUFF by 1 seconds.
Heavy Handed🔴
Sig1 - Gain ENRAGE every 0.3/0/2/0.1 seconds while charging CHARGE ATTACK. All ENRAGE will converted into ARMOR for 3 seconds per 1 stack after next hit.

Sig2 - While having 5 stacks of ENRAGE, CHARGE ATTACK hit will grant 5/7/10 seconds of UNFLINCHING and 1 stack of permanent ENRAGE.
•Edit : I made an improvement to her sig1
Parasite Weave 🔴
Sig1 - 15% chance to inflict SLIME for 5/7/10 seconds and gain 3% BB METER. If opponent is not suffering from SLIME, additionally inflict HEAVY BREED for 7 seconds.

Sig2 - When using BB, remove all opponent’s SLIME and gain 6/7/8 seconds of ENRAGE as the same number of removed SLIME.
Edit: I changed slow to slime! (slow is the worst debuff, apparently.)
Comments about these suggestions are always welcome! (especially Weave) Some of these suggestions were not just made by myself, but with the input of some geniuses I have discussed with. All of the comments will definitely help me with my future suggestions!!
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These are really well-thought, nicely done! I'd like to share some of my personal opinions and ideas as well:

1. Untouchable: Her two abilities should definitely be combined into one and given a new second ability. Accuracy is interesting, we don't really have any support there. I like the idea of turning her into a defensive support, similar to TaF. Some kind of health gain whenever her teammates get a buff, for example.

2. Princess Pride: Personally, I'm of the opinion that she doesn't need much else to work. Her low atk is funnily a part of her niche against things like DPTB. I do think her second ability right now is a bit redundant, perhaps it can be made a bit more interesting while keeping the same core idea the same. Something like: On tear detonation, remove all buffs on Parasoul, immediately recover 2% health and inflict 2% damage per buff removed.

3. Ms Trial: Feels like she's stepping on Foot Soldier's niche a bit with Deadeye. Not sure if a Silver should have that much power.

Not much to comment on the others. Hope this feedback is read by the devs!
After my second thought, I decided to add other 4 fighter’s rework suggestions! I hope these adjustments will have a greater impact on their abilities!
Temple Tyrant🔵
Sig1 - When TRANSMUTING to an elemental advantage, heal 15/20/25% health and gain 3 stacks of Auto-BLOCK for 10 seconds.

Sig2 - No change
Chameleon Twist🟢
Sig1 - When hitting an ATTACKING opponent, gain MIASMA and EVASION for 5/7/10 seconds.

Sig2 - 5/7/10% chance when HIT to gain MIASMA and EVASION for 5/7/10 seconds. (No BB meter limitation)
Dragon Brawler🔴
Sig1 - No change

Sig2 - When defeating opponent with BB, gain 25/35/50% BB meter and maximize HYPE.
Last Hope 🟡
Sig1 - Once per match while Valentine is alive, all teammates
remove all their DEBUFF and gain HEAVY REGEN for5/7/10 seconds when drops below 25% health.

Sig2 - Once per match when defeated, remove all DEBUFF, resurrect with 15/25/50% health and gain 3 stacks of BARRIER for 10 seconds.

Note - I changed sig2 a bit
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After my second thought, I decided to add other 4 fighter’s rework suggestions! I hope these adjustments will have a greater impact on their abilities!
Temple Tyrant🔵
Sig1 - When TRANSMUTING to an elemental advantage, heal 15/20/25% health and gain 3 stacks of Auto-BLOCK for 10 seconds.

Sig2 - No change
Chameleon Twist🟢
Sig1 - When hitting an ATTACKING opponent, gain MIASMA and EVASION for 5/7/10 seconds.

Sig2 - 5/7/10% chance when HIT to gain MIASMA and EVASION for 5/7/10 seconds. (No BB meter limitation)
Dragon Brawler🔴
Sig1 - No change

Sig2 - When defeating opponent with BB, gain 25/35/50% BB meter and maximize HYPE.
Last Hope 🟡
Sig1 - Once per match while Valentine is alive, all teammates
remove all their DEBUFF and gain HEAVY REGEN for5/7/10 seconds when drops below 25% health.

Sig2 - Once per match, remove all DEBUFF and resurrect with 15/25/50% health. When resurrected, gain 3 stacks of BARRIER.

Note - sig2 is effective other than her own resurrection effect
I feel like Last Hope ain't that bad. I like the Debuff removal aspect, but I think the Barrier is too much. I'll check the rest and share my feedback later
Alright, I finally got more time on my hands and managed to look through the rest.

Gotta say, I love it. Some may discredit the simplicity, and state that it's not enough. And I will agree, that it's not enough to make Untouchable better on defense. BUT, it gives her an interesting niche, and more utility on offense. I'd honestly be ok with the value being lower to 5/10/15%, and allowing it to go over the 50% cap, and stack from multiple Untouchables. It may open the doors to some very gimmicky strats, but that's honestly what makes this game fun. Untouchable is by design a defensive character, but I think we've all seen that changing a variant from self-sufficient and weak to a Support, greatly boosts their utility and popularity.

So my 2 cents are - reduce the Accuracy value to 5/10/15%, allow it to go over the cap, and add another effect on top of it. Since she's defense based, maybe add 5/10/15% stackable resistance as well.

Risky Ginger
Risky Ginger is pretty much Primed 2.0. I like the change from hitting Dashing Opponents to Attacking Opponents, but I'm not big on the rest of the changes.

Princess Pride
I honestly think she's fine. She's a new player friendly character, with easy sustain. I've seen the arguments that if you want sustain, you should just play Filia, which is pretty bad imo. Para has some nice utility in her kit, which Filia doesn't. Plus people play a character/variant not just for utility, but because they like how they look/fight.

The only change Princess Pride needs imo is a boost to her values. She deals low damage, so why not double down on making her a better damage sponge. Regen increased from 4/5/6 seconds to 6/7/8 as suggested. Detonation Health Recovery increased from 2/4/6% to 2/5/8%. On Detonation with 5/4/3 Tears, gain ARMOR for 15 seconds.

I've updated the suggestion on Firefly since our last chat. I think that to give her flexibility on both offense and defense, she needed something else. So instead, every second while Blocking she would gain Enrage for 6/8/10 seconds. That utilizes her quickly generated BB Meter, by allowing her to dish out some respectable damage with her LV3. It also makes counters with Pinion Dash a lot scarier. And of course, makes her a more lucrative option on offense as well.

No Egrets
That's a pretty big Nerf on her honestly. As of right now, she is able to disable all 3 at once. Her only downside is the horribly low duration. Balance wise, it was alright when she was added. Less variants, with less diverse utility, but 4 seconds ain't gonna cut it now. Imo the duration of all effects should be changed from 2/3/4 to 4/6/8. That will make her a bit annoying to deal with on Defense, while giving you more breathing room when using her on Offense.

As far as adding Tear Detonation effects, something of the sort like - Detonating at least 5/4/3 Tears at once will apply Immobilize. This may not look like much, but considering you've disabled all other options from the player, she can freely spam Napalm Shots at a safe distance, Detonate, rinse and repeat.
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Your comment about Ginger is totally right. It is really difficult to make the adjustment of Ginger, because of Primed. The enrage condition of Primed is so simple that Ginger is hardly used at all. I'd like to somehow bring out her charm other than enrage…
What if we double down on her reference, Jessica Rabbit? She's supposed to be "stunningly hot". "Enrage" and "Unblockable" BB definitely reflect that, but maybe also introduce a stun in her kit somehow.
Heavy Handed🔴
Sig1 - Gain 5 stacks ENRAGE while charging CHARGE ATTACK. All ENRAGE will removed after next hit.

Sig2 - While having 5 stacks of ENRAGE, CHARGE ATTACK hit will grant 5/7/10 seconds of UNFLINCHING and 1 stack of permanent ENRAGE.
Parasite Weave 🔴
Sig1 - 15% chance to inflict SLOW for 5/7/10 seconds and gain 3% BB METER. If opponent is not suffering from SLOW, additionally inflict HEAVY BREED for 7 seconds.

Sig2 - When using BB, remove all opponent’s SLOW and gain 6/7/8 seconds of ENRAGE as the same number of removed SLOW.
Most of these ideas are really good!

My feedback on the last two; weave and handed.

Heavy Handed

The first ability is worse than what it currently is. Previously you got 5 enrage in .5 seconds, with the added benefit you could release it earlier to synergise with seraph (very weird interaction, but you essentially dont want 5 'charge' enrage) and while that's just 1 interaction its basically the best support for her, and instantaneous over 0.5s really has no advantages.

Second ability is interesting: you give her 1 perma enrage and unflinching instead of unflinching while having 5 enrage. It's definitely better, but no where close enough to be good. Just enrage (and some gimmick around it, in this case unflincing) simply isn't good enough, especially if it requires diamond keys. On the earlier thread you made for her there was other good feedback given.

Parasite Weave

Like the general idea! Would only change slow to slime and call it a good variant!
(slow actively hurts offense since it also lowers the amount of meter gained when hitting the other fighter's block, while not really slowing down their meter if not 3+ stacks anyways, while slime is really helpful)