• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Crash Difficulty reaching servers


New Member
Feb 26, 2019
Reaction score
Device: Moto z2 play
Android: 7.1.1
Since yesterday morning, I'm having connection issues after every single fight, in story, rift battle, prize fights and daily events, it just stays loading and the message of "we're having some difficulty reaching our servers. please try again!" pops up a few times, usually it stays like this for 3-5 minutes until the connection is stablished again.
I tried using the internet at my girlfriends house, at school and at home, also cellular data and I get the same problem every time, internet works fine for any other app.
Also tried restarting my phone and reinstalling the app, didn't work.


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Sorry to hear! We're looking into these issues as we speak.

Could you tell me what region you're connecting from?
From México, thanks for the fast reply
Update about this, now the message pops up after every menu, like when entering/exiting any specific mode, say from prize fight to daily event and it now takes longer to connect, a hour ago I entered a rift battle and I have been able to complete only 4 fights
Hey, after a slight update the game is running as usual again, thank you so much!
I'm also experiencing these issues. Once yesterday, before the 3.1.2 update, I won a rift battle on the first try, but a server error occurred. I pressed "Retry" and the victory went through. However, the game then treated it as a second try. My fighters were treated as not having both fight charges, the node on the Rift map said 2 attempts, and it gave the opponent 500 points for a defensive win, even though I actually won the first try.

Today, in the new game version 3.1.2, a similar issue occurred in the Cerebella Daily Event. I won the fight, but before the victory screens popped up, a server error occurred. I pressed "Retry", it synced, but instead of the normal 600 coins for a first time win, I got 120 coins. The game thought I had already completed the node before giving me node completion rewards.

My device specs are iPhone 8, iOS 12.1.4.
Everyone experiencing the same bugs, I hope guys will fix it!
It's weird, I keep having this problem quite consistently but in the 2 rift battles I did today, my oponents completed them in around 40 minutes while it takes me the entire 2 hours just to play half of the fights, can't complete daily events or prize fights either since I get bored of just seeing the loading/connecting/can't reach servers screens
Two hours ago started to lag a lot, i was able to complete just six battles in my second rift and lost it. Same problem with prize fights, about forty minutes to complete eight fights and this morning I was forced to lose, no problem at all with dailies.
By the way I'm in Italy and using wifi but there are no problems at all with other app using internet or with the pc.
Just keeping this up to date, this weekend I had a stable connection but last night it all went down again, this time it's not only after the fights but also when opening relics or selling moves, etc. maybe there's a region rotation going on, that would explain why some of us have terrible connection while others seem to play just fine
This weekend is much worse compared to the others, I was able to do only four rift nodes in two hours, too bad since I was going to win win another one. Usually I get the connection problem message at the selection team members, beginning and ending of every fight in every mode and after 10/15 seconds of waiting at the second try the games connect to the servers, but the rift battles takes always much more time.
Same Here in Guatemala Central America, take soo much time to connect and sometimes the error -1 pop up.
Constant connection errors and long waiting times.
I've been experiencing this bug too, may I ask, how did you get rid of it?