• [2018/06/22]
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Disscussion for the new coin shop

Yeah, everythng else you can get in some other, non-cabinety way, but for your random average everydude cabinet is the only possible source of diamond keys.

As we figured in nat diamond discussion threda, you get nat diamonds at the rate of about one per 3 month for top 10% in PFs.

Top 10% in drifts gets you one diamond key per 2 weeks. So 10 keys are 20 weeks, so if you burn all your drift coins on diamond keys you'll still be getting nat diamonds faster than keys for them.

So yeah, why even consider anything else?
Imo essence should get cheaper the more you buy.

There's different amount of essence you can buy in one go, like 100 elemental essence shards for 150 coins or 1 full elemental essence for 1500 coins. There is no savings when buying the full essence. It doesn't have to be a lot cheaper, but at least knock a few hundred coins off to make it worth to save up instead of just buying the small amounts when they become available
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