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Do SAs stack?

Aug 12, 2019
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For example, would having 3 Gray Matters in 1 team make them all start with 100% meter (due to the SA of each of them: 50% meter to self, 25% to each teammate)?
Or, in the case of MAs, would having 3 Peacocks with maxed Cast Party give them 100% to have unblockable tag ins?
3 Gray Matters in 1 team make them all start with 100% meter (due to the SA of each of them: 50% meter to self, 25% to each teammate)?

Things like Peashooter will also stack.

in the case of MAs, would having 3 Peacocks with maxed Cast Party give them 100% to have unblockable tag ins?
Percent chances to activate are not additive. The Signature Ability doesn't look for a copy of itself to add it's % chance to in these cases. It would be three independent chances to activate the 25% chance for an unblockable.

Hope that helps!
Things like Peashooter will also stack.

two peashooter in a team will give projectiles 30% chance to inflict armour break ? Which is it's signature ability. Meaning, signature ability does stack.

The Signature Ability doesn't look for a copy of itself to add it's % chance to in these cases.

Then signature ability does not stack?

What am i missing? Confused.
two peashooter in a team will give projectiles 30% chance to inflict armour break ? Which is it's signature ability.

I think Liam meant the bonus damage part of Pea Shooter's SA
As i understand it now, chances do not stack, but effects do
Thanks! I think i do understand now

Um, does this way of abilities working apply for catalysts? I guess it does, just not by adding chances of the ones that work with them
Correct. Each Catalyst operates as an independent ability that doesn't know other ones like it exist. They will do their rolls separately. There should be probability calculators for this stuff online if you're curious what your effective trigger rate is.
Correct. Each Catalyst operates as an independent ability that doesn't know other ones like it exist. They will do their rolls separately. There should be probability calculators for this stuff online if you're curious what your effective trigger rate is.

Yes this is what makes skullgirls so fun when designing rift defense nodes. Some potentially crazy justforlaughs ideas I had but didnt have the essences, time to make diamond character defense nodes of... (dont flame me I am just throwing out crazy ideas, never validated, probably doesnt work for high level rift but good for laughs anyway)

1) Triple sundae school on boss node.
Wth Kuro, this is dumb right... sundae school is weak AF. Hear me out... I put 2 frost armor gold cata for double. I put 1 gold hexy time cata for double. With the +9s increased debuff duration on enemies and -9s debuff duration on self... this gives ~40% chance to gain armor, 50% damage reflect since armor is near permanently up and 2x 25% reflect from frost armor, and 22s hex every 15s. You might say well Kuro that is so weak I will just sketchy cheese it... but -9s debuff duration hehe, your 10s curse just became a 1s completely useless curse. The only bad part is sundae being a bronze indeed has very very weak base stats.... But still could draw some laughs, if you stack like +150% hp on every one of them. *Edit* another pitfall is that the AI could stupidly transmute away from water

2) Triple painwheel on boss node with triple dont poke buer.

ok this completely flops to xenomorph, but if the attacker is careless and puts his strongest Cerebella carry here... well the reflect damage is 3x 10% of painwheel hp everytime a hit exceeds 10%. You need 30 hits to kill 3 painwheels, so yeah. To make the reflect damage even more sure, I get the tainted blood MA and make sure I have no HP or DEF on my moves, all Att and meter gain. So if the player swaps to a weak attacker to not trigger the 10% hp threshold, well, the 100% meter gain plus painwheels through the roof attack should shred them with bb3. Drawbacks: Possibly very weak though if the attacker optimizes such that normal hits deal just below 10% per hit so each painwheel dies in one ground + juggle (around 10 to 15 hits). thus this is more for laughs and if the attacker was "tricked" into using strongest dps carry.

3) Triple futile resistance.
Self-explanatory, at 18% hp loss per blocked hit or weak hit against bigbands this will kill if you screw up once. I.e. using a epic sax throw (8 weak hits becomes 8x 18% reflect damage = >100% dead) But of course completely flops if the enemy have very strong attackers and use only special moves. Or xenomorph (unless u have 2 private dicks).

4) Lightweight, Do or Die Beo Cata + Unflinch
3 light element beo means near permanent immunity from start of the match, and permanent immunity at 30s when lightweight expires and do or die kicks in. entire match immunity. Could be removed in starting 30s by any buff removal though, but it limits any xenomorph strats to remove immune, doom, remove immune, doom, remove immune, doom all within 30s which is unlikely to be possible. So it is unlikely people will use xenomorph. If you go normal dps, you will face down against permahasted beowulfs who if you let them get any blockbusters off (even blocked), they will get pesky 15s unflinching (on top of the initial 30s unflinching). *Edit* pitfall: Diva spamming sekhmet could shut down metergain faster than Beowulfs can reach their bb3, so that could be a counter

5) 3 peacocks - rerun, sketchy, rerun with near 100% chance unblockable tag in MA (near zero tag cooldown). Not sure how often the AI will do tag out if the tag cd is near zero, but if the AI is willing to spam it, this could be tough to beat. Peacocks keep popping out of the floor dealing unblockable hits with haste and immunity! *Edit* Sketchy on offense trumps sketchy on defense node so curse and slow will occur rather than haste/immunity - @devs why though? perhaps priority of debuff or buff placing should go by fightscore? this will prevent cheap barely-evolved bronze sketchy countering a diamond sketchy in defense node

6) Overclocked, Headhunter + To be precise + Curse of knowledge + Unflinch.
Well this exploits the 5 precision every 5s from to be precise to make almost all hits from overclocked and headhunter to be unblockable, curse of knowledge to ensure you cant save yourself with Trauma center last stand, and unflinch to make retaliation even harder. Pretty much brutal if you miss intercepting their dash, as it could probably end with a lethal bb1 or bb2. *Edit* Lillira mentioned that autoimmune is needed to prevent sketchy which is true, so replace unflinch with autoimmune is better.

7) Miss fortune + Scratchpost + 3s msF specific gold slomo + lightweight/curse of knowledge

I suffered this strat before so I know it works... The idea is to use slomo to proc the scratchpost stun. I intercepted dash perfectly and made sure to never block.. .but at the 15s mark I got stunned due to 5 stacks of slow from slomo. Then the stun became permanent because as soon as the stun ends (3s stun), a new stack of slow is added to refresh the stack to 5 proc ing stun again. I only managed to win by using immune taunt from beginning of match. *Edit* to counter immune taunts, curse of knowledge could work well with the many buffs gained by MnF, feline lucky. Alternatively, the unflinching from lightweight for 30s means that buff removal is needed from the start since intercepting dashes to avoid scratchpost is no longer possible.

Cant think of any more now, but I am sure there are tons more.. .
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I find Elizas to be good against (what I believe is the strongest boss atm) scratching post + ms Fortune slowmo. Especially Diva is good at getting enough BBs up to actually go against the slowmo. Since you can pretty much spam the sekhmet bbs as much as you want. I expect to see alot more people run this node in the higher up rifts soon.
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Correct. Each Catalyst operates as an independent ability that doesn't know other ones like it exist. They will do their rolls separately. There should be probability calculators for this stuff online if you're curious what your effective trigger rate is.

Just another quick question to the devs... which catalysts activate for characters in reserve and which do not? I have seen some work and some don't so I just wanted to clarify if there is a general rule.

The rift catalysts that I would like to clarify if they affect characters in reserve are:

1) rising temperatures and fire starter: I think I have seen reserve characters tagging in with multiple enrages or precision...

2) to be precise: ???

3) do or die (beowulf): if I have a triple beowulf defense node, do all 3 characters (even reserves) receive perma immunity and haste?

4) invincible armada: if teammates die, have a 100% chance to gain 15s invincibility. does this activate on death/revive i.e. last hope/bioexorcist?

5) megalixir: does valentine gain 6% meter per second if affected by SG heavy regen and immune in reserve (we know that buffs from SG SA2 are attached onto reserve teammates at the remaining duration when they tag in)

6) lightweight and darknut: verified that all characters even reserve are affected by this. for lightweight, characters tag in with remaining duration of lightweight...
As i understand it now, chances do not stack, but effects do

Um....if each peashooter's effect activates independently, the chance for the SA2 to activate will increase (or i'm probally wrong)
Let's say each peashooter's SA2 make projectiles have a 10% chance to inflict armor break
SA2 of each one will activate independently, checking the SA2 requirement twice (once for each )
So the chance to not inflict armor break is
90% × 90% = 81%
The chance for SA2 to inflict armor break successfully will be 19%
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6) Overclocked, Headhunter + To be precise + Curse of knowledge + Unflinch.
Well this exploits the 5 precision every 5s from to be precise to make almost all hits from overclocked and headhunter to be unblockable, curse of knowledge to ensure you cant save yourself with Trauma center last stand, and unflinch to make retaliation even harder. Pretty much brutal if you miss intercepting their dash, as it could probably end with a lethal bb1 or bb2.

Oh hey, this is pretty similar to my boss node!

Overclocked, Persona Assistant, and Harlequin (to be changed out for a Purrminator I'm training up, but I'm eventually hoping for a Headhunter). The catalysts are To Be Precise, Curse of Knowledge, and Autoimmune.

It seems to be a pretty solid combo, and it definitely seems to prevent folks from completing my map decently often. I used to use a different third catalyst, but then I realized that folks would usually use Curse to prevent a lot of it from working so I switched it out for Autoimmune. I'm wondering if Hexy Time might be a better choice though, since not many moves inflict a long duration Curse, whereas something like Purrfect Dark's SA can inflict a durationless Curse and shut things down entirely.