Post Legend
1: A Complaint from me
2: A possible balance
3: A request
Ok, look...i have opened...around 30-40 premier relics and the result are dissappinting to say the least, i have recieved 7 silver cards, and 0 gold cards, i understand that chance is big part of obtaining cards, but currently the drop rates of gold cards seem to be a bit crazy low. 2 friends of mine who have also been playing the game, are seeing similar cases, both of the have opened 26 or so premier relics and have no gold cards. The only sure way to get a gold card, is to evolve a card which can be extremely difficult, and hinders the characters strength by roughly 10%.
Currently the games way of balanceing drops is as follows. When you recieve a character card, your silver lining relic bar fills up it increases by 4% per character you get, which means every 25 characters you get, you will recieve 1 garunteed silver or gold character. But still, this can leave you almost empty handed by the end of it. I feel as though another relic should be added, that garuntees the chance of getting a gold character, i understand that this would need to be balanced greatly, so that players dont get characters immedietly. But something needs to change with the current drop rates of gold cards.
If it would be possible for me to get short time accesse to a test account where i could open a couple thousand relics, so that i can release the drop rate percentages, or if sombody could link the drop rates to me
thatd be much apprecieted.
1: A Complaint from me
2: A possible balance
3: A request
Ok, look...i have opened...around 30-40 premier relics and the result are dissappinting to say the least, i have recieved 7 silver cards, and 0 gold cards, i understand that chance is big part of obtaining cards, but currently the drop rates of gold cards seem to be a bit crazy low. 2 friends of mine who have also been playing the game, are seeing similar cases, both of the have opened 26 or so premier relics and have no gold cards. The only sure way to get a gold card, is to evolve a card which can be extremely difficult, and hinders the characters strength by roughly 10%.
Currently the games way of balanceing drops is as follows. When you recieve a character card, your silver lining relic bar fills up it increases by 4% per character you get, which means every 25 characters you get, you will recieve 1 garunteed silver or gold character. But still, this can leave you almost empty handed by the end of it. I feel as though another relic should be added, that garuntees the chance of getting a gold character, i understand that this would need to be balanced greatly, so that players dont get characters immedietly. But something needs to change with the current drop rates of gold cards.
If it would be possible for me to get short time accesse to a test account where i could open a couple thousand relics, so that i can release the drop rate percentages, or if sombody could link the drop rates to me