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Other Finding an opponent in rift, issue and "quick fix" suggestion


Jun 5, 2019
Reaction score
Some context about my current "rift stats": Gold 2, Rating 1777, Level 62, Total of best 20 fighters FS slightly lower than 160k, over the last 4 weeks my win rate is above 90%.

Recently, I'm having troubles to find opponents. Today, had to keep looking for one 4 hours straight and I won't have time to spend my 2nd rift green ticket.

It's not always an issue, but during week days it can easily be one.

I believe there is something in the work to address this, and from what I've seen so far I'm expecting greatness!

But, right now, what about giving players a red ticket after five or so failed attempts, in a row, once a day? Players would have more freedom adjusting when having troubles to find a match in the limited time they have each day. For instance, to me, it would mean that I can catch up the rift I missed today on next week-end.
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On a more longer term, it'd be cool to have more transparency about your collection strength and your opponent's.

I'm also not a fan of the rating threshold for matchmaking to be suddenly based on rating rather than collection strength. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that I prefer the old ways. Rather, I feel it's too abrupt (even though I didn't run into it yet).

To address both points above and the one in the opening post (hard to find a match), here's a suggestion illustrated through what could be displayed in the rift menu for several different profiles:


Rift rating: 1450
Collection strength: 121k

You'll be matched with players around your rating and collection strength.


Rift rating: 1777
Collection strength: 155k
Average collection strength of players +- 100 around you: 244k

Warning !! You'll be matched with players around your rating and 244k collection strength !!


Your rift rating: 2045
Your collection strength: 423k

You'll be matched with players around your rating and collection strength.


Alice and Charlie have a fitting collection strength for their rating, as most players will.
Fitting here is defined by the average of collection strength from players around their rating.
Current system fits them. I do not know however how hard/easy it is to find matches for Charlie right now as it would be similar still.

Bob (who has the stats I had when I started this thread) has a high rating compared to his collection strength.
With the current system Bob will run into some issues:
- Hard to get a match
- At least a 20 to 10 favorite all matches (more like 24 to 6)
- If he keeps winning, as I understand the current system, past a threshold he'll suddenly be matched with players with more than twice his collection strength
What I'm trying to achieve here with this suggestion, is that the matchmaking will start looking for slightly stronger players much earlier (widening the pool, more even matches, better curve). If Bob keeps winning despite being matched with slightly stronger players, it will only get tougher, but not all of a sudden twice his collection strength.

I'd also like for the opponent's collection strength to be displayed, but it matters little if you know what to approximately expect.


- Display all the figures used for matchmaking.
- If a player collection strength is below the average for his rating, match him with that average instead and tell him what this average is.
- From my point of view it is: more transparency, easier to find matches in some cases, no hard wall but a smooth curve instead.